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Diterbitkan olehYonathan Tresna Telah diubah "10 tahun yang lalu
Program Keahlian I – SI By Antonius Rachmat C, S.Kom
MICROSOFT Power Point Program Keahlian I – SI By Antonius Rachmat C, S.Kom
PENGERTIAN Power Point (PP) adalah program bantu yang digunakan untuk presentasi secara mudah, efektif dan profesional. PP akan mempermudah pembuatan slide, outline presentasi, termasuk clip art yang akan membuat presentasi lebih menarik.
TAMPILAN Tampilan Area Kerja dan penjelasasn PP mirip dengan
MS Word dan Excel yang berbeda hanya tampilan utamanya saja. PP memiliki 3 jenis tampilan : normal, view, outline view, slide view, slide sorter, notes, dan slide show
A Presentation in 10 Steps
Starting a presentation by using auto content wizard
A Presentation in 10 Steps (2)
Creating the Text Framework
A Presentation in 10 Steps (3)
Adding Charts, Organization Charts, and Table Slides Use Slide Layout, select (eg: Chart) and apply slide layout at your appropriate slide.
A Presentation in 10 Steps (4)
Adding Embellishments (perhiasan) by using ClipArts and Images
A Presentation in 10 Steps (5)
Adding Embellishments (perhiasan) by using ClipArts and Images. Tweaking the Presentation Preparing a Slide Show Saving Your Work Soliciting (meminta) Contributions from Others Generating Printed Output and Slides Collecting Accolades (penghargaan)
THE BASICS Starting Presentation (Wizard/NonWizard)
Text Outline : You can make slide by using Text Outline. You can import outline from Word by send to PP Creating Slide
Adding Charts Adding Chart : we can use Microsoft Graph.
Microsoft Graph is a program shared by all the Microsoft Office products. Graph creates charts for use in Microsoft Office applications such as Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and, of course, PowerPoint. If you're already familiar with graphing in Excel, you'll find it an easy jump to graphing in PowerPoint; both use the same Graph program.
Adding Charts (2)
Adding Charts (3)
Adding Organization Chart
Adding Tables 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 14 9 15 18 21 16 20 24 28 25 30 35 36 42 49
Slide Transitions We can create slide transitions for each slide with different slide transition Right Click on Outline View -> Slide Transition, select one, check “auto preview” check box. This slide use Transition!
Interactivity To make your slide become more interactive, you can add “Actions” from Slide Show -> Actions Buttons You can add some button to your slide. Eg : Next, Prev, Home, End Look at this slide, there is a button for the next slide
What’s Next Kita harus memperbaiki skill berpresentasi
Banyak berlatih membuat presentasi yang bagus, unik, jelas, interaktif, dan tidak membosankan.
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