Heat Insulation and Sound Insulation Displays

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1 Heat Insulation and Sound Insulation Displays
PT Onduline Indonesia

2 Purpose In tropical countries, we assessed that two key advantages of our roofing solutions are the Heat and Sound insulation properties of Onduline In order to demonstrate this the most effectively to customers, we built two displays that we use on trade-shows and seminars This document gives information about these displays

3 Displays

4 Heat Insulation Display

5 Heat Insulation display
Display must allow an easy and visual comparison between Onduline and metal roofing solutions Same model and same power light bulbs 3 different types of metal sheets Onduline = cooler Metal = hotter

6 Heat Insulation Display
Use of an analog thermometer is recommended (easier reading)

7 Heat Insulation Display
It is highly recommended that customers can circulate around the display, or at least check behind, so they can verify there is absolutely no trick It is also recommended that customers have a possibility to verify that bulbs are the same brand/type/power

8 Heat Insulation Display

9 H H E E A A T T I I N N S S U U L L A A T T I I O O N N

10 Meja HIT Spek: Triplek 12mm Reng 3x4 Kaso 4x6
5 c m 4 5 c m Spek: Triplek 12mm Reng 3x4 Kaso 4x6 Engsel sendok (dalam) 8unit Kunci Lemari 1 c m

11 Tampak Belakang 4 5 c m 4 5 c m 1 c m

12 Heat Insulation Test (HIT)

13 Sound Insulation

14 Sound Insulation display
Shower Shower Onduline Metal Hole for hearing and comparing

15 Sound Insulation display

16 Tampak muka (tampilan utuh)


18 Tampak Belakang

19 Aquariun SIT Keterangan Material: Kaca 5mm 100cm x 100cm 2 lembar
c m 4 c m 5 c m Keterangan Material: Kaca 5mm 100cm x 100cm 2 lembar 2. Kaca 5mm 100cm x 40 cm 3 lembar Spek Aquarium SIT: 1. Bagian depan dilubangi, diameter 7cm 2. Posisi lubang as (tengah)15cm dibawah bibir aquarium 3. Lantai aquarium dibuat 2 lubang 0,5inch, terletak di 10 cm dr dinding kiri dan kanan 15cm 7 c m 1 c m 20cm 10cm 2 lubang di lantai aguarium diameter 0,5 inc

20 Penutup Sound Insulation

21 Penutup Aquarium Perspektif depan dan bagian atas Spek material:
4 5 c m 2 c m 1 5 c m Spek material: Triplek 9mm Reng 3x4

22 2 lubang pipa fleksibel untuk
Penutup Aquarium Perspektif belakang 2 lubang pipa fleksibel untuk shower, diameter 1 inc lubang untuk kabel listrik, diameter 1 inc

23 Penampang bagian bawah penutup
Penutup Aquarium Penampang bagian bawah penutup 1 5 c m lubang untuk Shower O 0,5inc shower O 20 cm 4 5 c m lubang lampu TL ditutup kaca air/akrilik susu lubang udara O 10cm

24 Meja Aquarium Perspektif depan 2 lubang O 10cm untuk saluran
Pembuangan dari aquarium Perspektif depan 4 5 c m Spek material: Triplek 12mm Reng 3x4 Kaso 4x6 Rel untul pintu geser Kunci Lemari 6 5 c m 1 5 c m

25 Perspektif depan & pintu geser
Meja Aquarium Perspektif depan & pintu geser Pintu geser

26 Meja Aquarium Perspektif belakang 4 5 m 1 5 c m 6 5 c m 1 5 c m

27 System sirkulasi SIT

28 Sirkulasi SIT

29 Heat Insulation and Sound Insulation Displays
PT Onduline Indonesia

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