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= trade channel = distribution channel = sets of interdependent organizations involved in the process of making a product or service available for use.

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Presentasi berjudul: "= trade channel = distribution channel = sets of interdependent organizations involved in the process of making a product or service available for use."— Transcript presentasi:

1 = trade channel = distribution channel = sets of interdependent organizations involved in the process of making a product or service available for use or consumption

2 ProdusenPerantaraKonsumen


4 Anggaran untuk Distribusi 10%-40% dari harga jual akhir Rp 39.900 – Rp 59.000 Bergantung jenis toko, kelas konsumen, letak, tingkat penjualan, negosiasi Matahari D.S. berbeda tiap lokasi



7 Habitual shoppers •Tiap kali beli dari tempat yang sama, cara yang sama High-value deal seekers •Tahu kebutuhannya, pilih2 dengan harga termurah Variety-loving shoppers •Cari info berbagai tempat, beli di tempat yang paling disukai, harga tidak penting High-involvement shoppers •Cari berbagai tempat, beli di tempat termurah

8 •Peduli variasi & performance produk dan servis di toko Service/quality customers •Peduli dengan penggunaan uang mereka secara hati-hati Price/value •Mencari toko yang cocok dengan kelas mereka Affinity


10 •Dengan perantara pekerjaan lebih efektif dan efisien. Perantara punya pengalaman, spesialisasi, skala operasi, staf pemasaran •Produsen kekurangan modal/ dana untuk menjual langsung •Produsen kemungkinan profit lebih besar dengan melepas barang lewat perantara •Perantara melakukan promosi, negosiasi, order, financing, risk taking, stok, pembayaran

11 •Gather info about customers, competitors, and others in marketing environment •Develop & disseminate persuasive communications to stimulate purchasing •Reach agreement on price & other terms •Place orders with manufacture •Acquire the funds to finance inventories •Assume risks connected w/ carrying out channel work

12 •Provide successive storage and movement of physical products. •Provide for buyers payment of their bills •Oversee actual transfer of ownership from one organization or person to another

13 Aliansi •Wharton-INSEAD Alliance (Perancis & Singapore)Wharton-INSEAD Alliance •Indian School of BusinessIndian School of Business •Guanghua School of ManagementGuanghua School of Management •Singapore Management UniversitySingapore Management University

14 Cost of permanent Staf Cost of setup a branch Hari/ Jam kerja

15 Analyzing Customer’s Desired Service Output Level •Lot size, waiting & delivery time, spatial convenience, product variety, service (install/repair, etc) back up Establishing Objectives and Constraints •Product characteristic: perishable Identify & Evaluate Major Channel Alternative •Sales force, distributor, dealer, direct mail, telemarketing, internet

16 Select Channel Members (years in business, other lines, growth, profit record, financial strength) Train & Motivate Channel Members (training programs, market research) Evaluate Channel Members (average inventory level, customer delivery time, treatment of damage & lost goods) Modify Channel Design & Arrangements (distribution channel become outmoded) Channel- Management Decisions


18 Marketing Oktober 2009

19 •Beda target produsen dan distributor Goal Incompability •e.g. Territory boundaries dan credit for sales Unclear roles & rights •e.g. Beda pendapat tentang masa depan ekonomi Differences in perception •e.g. dalam mobil, kesuksesan dealer bagaimana produk mobilnya Intermediaries’ dependence on the manufacture

20 •Menyatukan visi/ goals Adopt superordinate goals •Dalam jangka waktu temporer Exchange employees •Dalam asosiasi masalah dapat dicegah/ dibicarakan Joint membership in trade associations •Anggota perusahaan lain diberi jabatan di perusahaan sendiri Co-optationDiplomacy, mediation, or arbitrationLegal recourse


22 •Books •Movies, Music & Games •Digital Downloads •Computer •Electronic •Home & Garden •Grocery •Toys •Clothing •Sports •A to Z PURE-CLICK COMPANIES


24 •Konflik dengan perantara? •Keuntungan? BRICK-AND-CLICK COMPANIES


26 LEGO facts Dimulai pada tahun 1932 More than 400 million children and adults will play with LEGO bricks this year (2009) LEGO dijual di lebih dari130 negara If you built a column of about 40,000,000,000 LEGO bricks, it would reach the moon Approx. seven LEGO sets are sold each second The LEGO Club punya 2.7 juta member di seluruh dunia







33 •Beli minuman kaleng dengan meng-klik hp di depan mesin otomatis minuman. Pembayaran langsung mengurangi account di bank •Pakai hp untuk mencari restoran terdekat •Melihat harga saham lewat hp dan langsung melakukan pembelian •Pulang ke rumah dan menekan tombol di hp untuk membuka kunci rumah


35 •Tentukan produk yang akan dijual •Bagaimana proses pembuatannya •Apa mereknya dan alasannya •Siapa saja pesaingnya (real) •Apa kelebihan/ keunikan produk tersebut? (sebut beberapa) •Tentukan distribusinya (dept store, internet, televisi, direct selling) •Berapa harga (atau %) yang akan diberikan kepada distributor?

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