Wood Balance Data Base Pendekatan Supply and Use Table.

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1 Wood Balance Data Base Pendekatan Supply and Use Table

2 Supply Table : menggambarkan penyediaan barang dan jasa dalam perekonomian. Barang dan jasa dicatat pada baris yang dikelompokkan sebagai komoditi. Pada sisi kolom menjelaskan produksi dari ‘industri’ berupa komoditi barang dan jasa. Use Table Use Table : menggambarkan pengeluaran konsumsi untuk ‘industri’ dan final demand terhadap komoditi barang dan jasa. Pada sisi baris mencakup komoditi- komoditi dan pada kolom menunjukkan pengeluaran ‘industri’ dan final demand. Pada use table terdapat pula susunan input primer.

3 Manfaat SUT : * Dapat digunakan untuk menjabarkan tabel input-output * Sebagai alat kompilasi, karena mempunyai fasilitas kerangka kerja yang menyeluruh (data checking/reconciliation; gap filling)

4 Secara Rinci untuk menganalisis industri dan produk diperlukan: Neraca Barang dan Jasa (Wood Balance) Neraca Produksi Turunan dari Neraca Pendapatan (PDB Sektoral dalam Binaan Dept. Kehutanan) Potensi Pajak dari Produk Kehutanan dan Turunannya Data Base Penyusunan Indikator Makro seperti Tabel I-O

5 Identifikasi dua kepemilikan Identifikasi menurut industri : Output by industry = inputs by industry Identifikasi menurut produk total supply by product = total use by product

6 USE SUPPLY Input of Indust ExpCon sum Cap form Tot Output Industries ImpCom tax TTMTot Commodi ty groups Purcha sers value Basic Value PURCH.PURCH. TTM 0 -- 0 Non-com tax Comp of employ Operating surplus Total




10 CPC Total supply at maket prices Overall adjustments: product taxes, trade & transport margins, FISIM Output at basic/ producers’ proces Intermediate consumption Total use at market prices Gross capital formation Final consumption by government Final consumption by households and NPISHs Exports Value addedGDP Overall adjustments: product taxes, FISIM Labour inputs Imports cif Industries, ISIC = COMMODITY FLOW APROACHES TO NATIONAL ACCOUNTS COMPILATION SUPPLY AND USE TABLE (SUT)

11 Valuation of transaction : * Basic consepts and interrelationships * Valuation of product flow * Trade and transport margins * Taxes and subsidies

12 Basic prices : exclude trade and transport margins, and (nett) taxes and subsidies on product. * Producers’ prices : exclude trade and transport margins, include (nett) taxes and subsidies on products, inclusive of non-deductible V.A.T. * Purchasers’ prices : include trade and transport margins, (nett) taxes and subsidies on products, inclusive of non-deductible V.A.T

13 Valuation of Foreign Trade * Exports : free on board (f.o.b) * Imports : - aggregate : free on board (f.o.b) - detail : cost, insurance, freight (c.i.f)


15 2. SUPPLY AND USE TABLE IN BASIC PRICE Step A. Derivation of a use table in basic price + impor duties

16 STEP B. DERIVATION OF SEPARATE USE TABLES FOR IMPORTED GOODS AND DOMESTIC PRODUCED GOODS i)Estimation of imports shares Formula:(import cif + import duties)/(total supply at basic prices + import duties - export basic prices) Goods A:18.50% Goods B:22.60% Services:4.50% ii)Derivation of separate use tables for imported goods and domestic produced good at basic prices + import duties A use table in basic prices + import duties for imported goods can be estimated by multi playing all uses, except exports, of each product by the import shares calculated above. The use table for domestic goods is derived residually Uses. Imported and Domestic Product at Basic Prices + Import Duties

17 STEP C DERIVATION OF SEPARATE USE TABLES FOR IMPORTED GOODS ATBASIC PRICES (CIF) AND FOR IMPORT DUTIES i)Estimation of imports duty rates Formula:(import duties)/(import cif + import duties) Goods A:9.10% Goods B:9.10% Services:0.00% ii)Splitting teh use table for imported goods into one for import cif, and one for import duties. A use table in for import duties on imported goods can be estimated by multi playing all uses of imported goods, estimated above, by the import duty rate on each product calculated above. The use table for imported at basic price (cif) is derived residually Use Table for Imported Goods at Basic Prices (cif) and for Import Duties



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