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Presentasi berjudul: "ESTIMATION AND ROONDING OF NUMBERS"— Transcript presentasi:

Round off to nearest ten Round off to nearest hundred Round off to nearest thousand Created By Made Nuryadi

2 Round off to nearest Ten Pembulatan ke Puluhan terdekat
82 is between 80 and 90 Is nearer to 80 than to 90 So, 82 is 80 when rounded off to nearest ten

3 The second example Panjang pita B 17 cm 17 terletak antara 10 dan 20
17 lebih dekat ke 20 dibandingkan ke 10 Sehingga 17 ≈ 20

4 Concept 78 ≈ 80 64 ≈ 60 Concept: To round off a number to the nearest Ten, Untuk membulatkan ke puluhan terdekat study the digit in the ones place: Pelajari nilai tempat satuannya if it is 5 or greater than 5, round up Jika nilainya sama dengan 5 atau lebih besar dari 5, bulatkan keatas. if it is smaller than 5, round down Jika lebih kecil dari 5 bulatkan kebawah

5 Practice !!! Let’s do it, you can?!!
Round off each number to the nearest ten 42 25 97 64 114 179 345

6 Round off to nearest hundred Pembulatan ke ratusan terdekat
Concept: To round off a number to the nearest hundred, study the digit in the tens place: if it is 5 or greater than 5, round up if it is smaller than 5, round down

7 There are 270 pupils in D-gym, round of the number of pupils in D-gym in to nearest hundreds
270 is between 200 and 300 It is nearer to 300 than to is 300 when round off to the nearest hundred

8 Example 2 Using the number line, round off each number to the nearest hundred _____ _____ _____ _____

9 Practice 1 Fill in the blanks
is ____when round off to the nearest hundred is ____when round off to the nearest hundred is ____when round off to the nearest hundred is ____when round off to the nearest hundred

10 Practice 2 Round off each number to the nearest hundred 560 992 3560
9890 4770 Round off each number to the nearest hundred 449 7940 61236 47960 89950

11 Rounding off number to the nearest thousand
Concept: To round off a number to the nearest thousand, study the digit in the hundreds place: if it is 5 or greater than 5, round up if it is smaller than 5, round down

12 Example 1. The price of a math book is Rp ,- when rounded off to nearest thousand rupiah. What could the price of the math book be? is between and It is nearer to than to is when round off to the nearest thousand

13 Practice 1 Round off each number to the nearest thousand 14 495 79.400
71.500 47.960 89.950 Round off each number to the nearest thousand 56.678 45.555 68.780

14 Problem solving Find three numbers when rounded off to the nearest hundred is equal to if rounded off to the nearest thousand. There were 3750 visitors at a science exhibition. Round off the number of visitors to nearest hundred and to nearest thousand.

15 Estimation Perkiraan Round off each number to the nearest 100. then estimate the value off the following. 2998 x 3

Practice 1 Let’s find out in shaping math book activity part 1at page 11-12 LETS HAVE FUN IN MATH By Mr. Made

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