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SK/KD INDIKATOR MATERI EVALUASI TUGAS TEKS TAMBAHAN DESCRIPTIVE TEXT Standar Kompetensi : (2) Memahami makna teks lisan monolog pendek sederhana berbentuk descriptive Kompetensi Dasar : ( Kd. 2.2) Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam monolog sederhana dalam teks descriptive Bahan Ajar Bahasa Inggris Kl VIII/1
SK/KD INDIKATOR MATERI EVALUASI TUGAS TEKS TAMBAHAN Indikator : Menyebutkan beberapa kata , kelompok kata secara lisan dengan ucapan yang benar Menjawab pertanyaan ( gambara umum, informasi faktual, informasi rinci tersurat/tersirat) secara lisan
MATERI PELAJARAN I.Pertanyaan Yang Mengarah ke Teks Activity1:
SK/KD INDIKATOR MATERI EVALUASI TUGAS TEKS TAMBAHAN MATERI PELAJARAN I.Pertanyaan Yang Mengarah ke Teks Activity1: Listen to the teacher and answer the questions orally. What did you do during your holiday? Did you go to a recreational place ? What place do you visit ? Is it a beach, a museum, a park ? How about a zoo, have you ever been there? What did you see there ? Can you mention some animals there? What animal do you like ? Do you like big animals like : elephant, tiger etc? Can you describe a bit about elephant? Bahan Ajar Bahasa Inggris Kl VIII/1
II. Kosa Kata : Kata dan Kelompok Kata
SK/KD INDIKATOR MATERI EVALUASI TUGAS TEKS TAMBAHAN II. Kosa Kata : Kata dan Kelompok Kata A. Kata (Noun dan Adjective) Activity 2. Listen to the teach, repeat after her and guess the meaning. animal big plant small tiger beautiful cat good elephant soft rhino hard snake high giraffe short flower wild etc Bahan Ajar Bahasa Inggris Kl VIII/1
B. Kelompok Kata ( Phrase )
SK/KD INDIKATOR MATERI EVALUASI TUGAS TEKS TAMBAHAN B. Kelompok Kata ( Phrase ) Activity 3. Listen to the teacher , repeat after her and try to guess the meaning. a big body long tusk a long tail thick skin a strong animal nice place a wild life hard life beautiful place long neck good flower soft fur big foot strong leg Bahan Ajar Bahasa Inggris Kl VIII/1
III. Teks Monolog / Bacaan
SK/KD INDIKATOR MATERI EVALUASI TUGAS TEKS TAMBAHAN III. Teks Monolog / Bacaan Activity 4. Listen to the teacher cerefully. Teks Descriptive Morning students? Does any body know an elephant? Yes, it is a big animal. There are several kinds of elephant, Sumatran elephants, Asian elephants, Africans etc. Now I would like to tell you more about Asian elephants: the largest animals in the world. They have big bodies. They weigh up to 5,400 kilograms. their skin is thick and tough.They have four big legs, a long trunk, small eyes, two long tusk and big ears. What about their daily food? They eat grass, leaves, shrubs, twigs, branches and bark of tree. Also it prefer eating banana, paddy, coconut and sugar cane. They live in the forest, hilly or mountainous area. They feed during the morning, evening and night. It rests during in the middle of day. They need shade during the hot season to keep from over heating and can not go far without water Bahan Ajar Bahasa Inggris Kl VIII/1
SK/KD INDIKATOR MATERI EVALUASI TUGAS TEKS TAMBAHAN Evaluasi Activity 5 Answer the questions based on the text told by the teacher, orally. What does the text tell us about ? Mention 4 noun phrases from the text. How does Asian elephant look like? How heavy does it weigh? Where do they live? When do they usually eat? Bahan Ajar Bahasa Inggris Kl VIII/1
Listen to English Program from a radio, make a short note.
SK/KD INDIKATOR MATERI EVALUASI TUGAS TEKS TAMBAHAN Tugas Terstruktur Listen to English Program from a radio, make a short note.
SK/KD INDIKATOR MATERI EVALUASI TUGAS TEKS TAMBAHAN Contoh teks tambahan Teks descriptive Singapore is an island city of about 4 million people. It’s beautiful city with lot parks and open spaces. It’s also a very clean city. Most of people live in high-rise flats in different parts of the island. The business district is very modern, with lots of tall new office buildings. Singapore also has some nice older sections. In Chinatown there are rows of old shop houses. The government buildings in Singapore are very beautiful and date from the colonial days Singapore is famous for its shops and restaurants. There are many good shopping centers. Most of the goods are duty free. The restaurants sell Chinese, Indian Malay and European food, and the prices are quite reasonable. Bahan Ajar Bahasa Inggris Kl VIII/1
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