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PENDIDIKAN (R & D) (sebuah pengantar) BUDIYONO 2012

penelitian dasar (basic research) penelitian terapan (applied research) penelitian evaluasi (evaluation research) penelitian pengembangan (research and development) penelitian tindakan (action research)

penelitian dasar (basic research) penelitian terapan (applied research) penelitian evaluasi (evaluation research) penelitian pengembangan (research and development) penelitian tindakan (action research) dapat menjadi penelitian unggulan

5 PENGERTIAN educational research and development is a process used to develop and validate educational product penelitian pengembangan bukan sekedar penelitian untuk menguji hipotesis, melainkan untuk menghasilkan produk-produk kependidikan berkualitas yang dapat dimanfaatkan di sekolah

6 PENGERTIAN educational research and development is a process used to develop and validate educational product Yang dimaksud produk merujuk tidak hanya pada objek material tetapi juga prosedur dan/atau proses

7 PENGERTIAN educational research and development is a process used to develop and validate educational product The background reason for this R&D is the classroom problems related to educational products. The problems might occur because, for example, the existing text book is out of date; it is not approriate anymore to the recently growing theory of languange learning, it does not accomodate the latest curriculum, or students’ learning achievement is not as high as expected (Mohammad Adnan Latief 2009).

8 The steps of the process is called R & D cycle, which consist of:
(1) studying research findings pertinent to the product developed, (2) developing the product based on the findings, (3) field testing it in the setting where it will be used eventually, (4) revising it to correct the deficiencies found in the field-testing stage The cycle is repeated until the field-test data indicate that the product meets its behaviorally defined objectives

9 KUALITAS PRODUK kriteria kualitas produk: valid, praktis, dan efektif
valid: sesuai dengan teori-teori yang terkait dengan produk dan keberjalanan produk praktis: dapat digunakan dengan mudah oleh pengguna (user) efektif: lebih baik daripada produk yang telah ada

10 Langkah-langkah R&D (Plomp,1982)
studi pendahuluan (preliminary investigation) pembuatan desain (design) merealisasikan desain atau pengembangan (realization/construction) melakukan tes dan evaluasi produk, serta revisi produk (test, evaluation, and revision) implementasi pada pengguna dalam skala luas (implementation)

11 Langkah-langkah R&D (Borg & Gall,1983)
Research and information collecting – includes review of literature, classroom observations, and preparation of report of state of the art Planning – includes defining skills, stating objectives, determining course sequence, and small scale feasibility testing Develop preliminary form of product – includes preparation of instructional materials, handbooks, and evaluation devices Preliminary field testing – conducted in from 1 to 3 schools, using 6 to 12 subjects. Interviews, observational and questionaire data are collected and analyzed Main product revision – revision of product as sugested by the preliminary field-test result

12 Langkah-langkah R&D (Borg & Gall,1983)
Main field testing – Conducted in 5 to 15 schools with 30 to 100 subjects. Quantitative data on subjects’ precourse and postcourse performance are collected. Results are evaluated with respect to course objectives and compared with control group data, when appropriate Operational product revision – revison of product as suggested by main field-test results Operational field testing – Conducted in 10 to 30 schools involving 40 to 200 subjecs. Interview, observational and questionare data are collected and analyzed Final product revision – Revision of product as suggested by operational field-test results Dissemination and implementation – Report on product at professional meetings and in journal. Work with publisher who assumes commercial publication. Monitor distribution to provide quality control

13 4 TAHAPAN DALAM R&D pra-pengembangan pengembangan produk
uji efekfivitas produk diseminasi dan implementasi produk

14 PRA PENGEMBANGAN riset awal, analisis kebutuhan (need assesment), dan
studi literatur

15 PENGEMBANGAN perencanaan pengembangan awal (pembuatan prototipe)
uji coba dan revisi produk

16 PENGEMBANGAN perencanaan pengembangan awal uji coba dan revisi produk
tujuan pengembangan produk spesifikasi produk indikator kepraktisan dan efektivitas keberjalanan

17 PENGEMBANGAN perencanaan pengembangan awal uji coba dan revisi produk
mendesain produk melalui FGD (focus group discussion) melalui teknik delphi luaran: diperolehnya produk yang siap diujicobakan

18 PENGEMBANGAN perencanaan pengembangan awal uji coba dan revisi produk
preliminary field testing (uji terbatas) main field testing (uji skala luas) operational field testing (uji kelayakan)

Kadang-kadang diperlukan uji efektivitas produk (yang kadang-kadang disebut validasi model) dengan menggunakan penelitian eksperimental, yang membandingkan kinerja produk yang telah dikembangkan dengan kinerja produk yang telah ada Tahapan ini dipakai untuk meyakinkan orang bahwa produk yang telah dikembangkan terbukti lebih efektif daripada produk yang telah ada

publikasi hasil pengembangan produk dalam forum-forum ilmiah dan/atau melalui publikasi ilmiah penawaran produk ke pengguna harapan: produk yang dikembangkan dapat dipakai dalam keadaan yang riil pada penelitian yang dilakukan oleh dosen, tahap diseminasi dan implementasi ini seharusnya dilakukan dilakukan monitoring pada situasi yang sebenarnya di lapangan dan melakukan penelitian pengembangan berikutnya untuk meningkatkan kualitas produk secara terus menerus

21 Terima kasih atas perhatian Anda

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