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Presentasi berjudul: "ETIKA PUBLIC RELATIONS"— Transcript presentasi:

Beberapa Landasan Dasar MEETING SOCIETAL DEMANDS Global activism and the growing number special interest group place PR practitioners in the role of community builders responsible for helping to link socially, politically, geographically, culturally diverse, and often competing interests.

During the industrial revolutions  business was corcerned with profit making and had little interference from the government. Konsep ttg social responsibility dimulai sejak th 1960-an  merespon perubahan nilai-nilai sosial (Buchholz, 1982; Chrisman & Carroll, 1984) Perubahan nilai  ttg tanggung jawab hukum, harapan masyarakat tentang akuntabilitas lembaga bisnis spt: equal employment opportunities, the environment, and product safety.

3 Social Responsibility / Tanggung jawab sosial  the development of process to evaluate stakeholder and environmenttal demands and the implementation of programs to manage social issues (Thomas & Simerly: 1994). Corporate social responsibility has been assosiated with ethical codes, corporate philantrophy, community relations programs, and law-abiding actions (Wood: 1991)

An organization’s stekeholders are those who use its products and services, earn its wages, and share its environment (Heath, 1988)  both individuals and groups. Marked and public policies appear to be based on dominant issue motivators such as security, equality, aesthetics, and fairness. Some of security issues are worker safety, environmenttal safety of surrounding communities, product use safety for the customer, investment safety for the investor, and interindustry safety so that manufacturers buy safe goods for the production of their own products

Managing Issues Enlisting the support of leadership Engaging in philantropic activities Reporting commitment to social responsibility Strengthening the role of Public Relations

6 Situasi etik cenderung berbeda antara kedua pendekatan tersebut.
Newson, Ramsey & Carroll (1993), dalam survey terhadap mahasiswa, pengajar, dan praktisi PR  responsibility rangking: The Client The Client’s relevant publics The self The society The media

7 Issues relating to human rights, forced labor, the environtment, and the safe working conditions will remain high on the agenda of corporations as communities press for socially responsible corporate policies. Penghindaran terhadap public hostility. PRO should constantly strive for corporate policies and actions that are responsive to societal needs (Ryan, 1986)

8 KONTRIBUSI ETIKA PR Three value systems: Technical values  having to do with pride in one’s work and efficient use of PR techniques Partisan values tied to loyalties such as commitment, trust, and obedience Mutual values  the considered the rights and well-being of others. Multual values  dialogic principles; dalam istilah Grunig & Hunts (1984) two-way symmetric model.

Klasifikasi sistem etika: Deontological/etika profesi  selalu berhubungan dengan persoalan benar dan salah. Contoh: tidak memberikan informasi yang salah terhadap stakeholder. Teleological  menekankan pada hasil akhir dari sebuah tindakan, bukan pada tindakan itu sendiri. Keputusan atas sebuah tindakan didasarkan pada kebaikan yang lebih besar untuk bagian terbesar dari masyarakat / stakeholder.

10 Aliran-aliran pemikiran dalam ETIKA PR
COORIENTATION Model ini menggunakan alasan teleologis – praktisi PR harus bekerja keras untuk mencapai penyatuan pandangan antara organisasi dengan publiknya. Much of the literature has emphasized the media relations function and defined journalists as the key public.

11 Aliran-aliran pemikiran dalam ETIKA PR
Profesionalisme  deontology Determine the scope of acceptable principles through codes, accreditations, and licencing. Codyfied ethics used to define daily decision making standards and reflect practitioner responsibility to the public.

12 Aliran-aliran pemikiran dalam ETIKA PR
Game theory  Alasan teleologis Proposes that the social interactions can be analyzed using mathematics to determine beneficial actions. Weighs the consequences of possible actions by all actors by assigning numerical values to each. Use simple cost-benefit analysis to make decisions about everyday things such as consumer purchases.

13 Aliran-aliran pemikiran dalam ETIKA PR
Advocacy  pendekatan teleologis. Berasal dari teori pers tanggung jawab sosial Empat teori pers 1. otoritarian 2. libertarian 3. komunis 4. tanggung jawab sosial

14 Aliran-aliran pemikiran dalam ETIKA PR
Corporate Responsibility Pendekatan Teleologis A corporation recognizes that doing good results in doing well, and being seen as a responsible corporate citizen benefits the bottom line.

15 Teori-Teori lain dlm etika PR
Structural/Functional Approach Accomodation/Discursive Approach


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