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How human charactersitics, practitioners’ habits and health care system regulations affet the research and development of medical devices.

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Presentasi berjudul: "How human charactersitics, practitioners’ habits and health care system regulations affet the research and development of medical devices."— Transcript presentasi:

1 How human charactersitics, practitioners’ habits and health care system regulations affet the research and development of medical devices.

2 Introduction (Pendahuluan) ► Inovasi teknologi adalah hasil dari proses spesifik yang terdiri dari tiga tahapan utama: Riset dan Pengembangan ; Industrialisasi ; dan Pemasaran. ► Fase Riset dan Pengembangan (R&D) dibagi menjadi dua inti aktivitas utama: ► Aktivitas Riset: yakni kajian, analisis dan penjelasan yang ditujukan untuk ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang lebih luas dan lebih tajam; tujuannya adalah untuk mengembangkan dan merealisasi produk dan proses industri baru. ► Aktivitas Pengembangan, yang memiliki tujuan ekonomi dan komersial spesifik

3 DRAWBACKS TO THE R&D INTERNATIONALSIZATION PROCESS The reasons that may persuade an enterprise to maintain its R&D activities:  The need to guarantee the minimum risk of discharge of technological knowledge;  The presence of economies of scale in R&D and the need to attain critical mass in research activities, which is easier to accomplish in the country of origin;  The presene of technological advantages in the country of origin due to an easier relationship with users and customers;  The increase in the cost and complexity of the communication, coordination and control of international research activities dispersed in many country.

4 THE DRIVERS OF R&D INTERNATIONALIZATION ► Pull Factors, elements that facilitate the internationalization of some phase of the R&D process; ► Push Factors, factors that produce the need for this phenomenon.

5 PULL FACTORS 1. The development and diffusion of the ICT; 2. The improvement of host countries’ business environment; 3. The protection of intellectual property rights (IPRs); 4. International cooperation policies.

6 PUSH FACTORS 1. The cost factor; 2. The time factor; 3. The nature and the intrinsic characteristics of the technological innovation process; 4. The lack of resources for R&D activities in the domestic market; 5. The dispersion of clientele; 6. Product adaptation to enter into new markets; 7. Political factors; 8. Competitive factors.

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