Text 1 By: Siwi Ratri K / 07202244063 Titik Rahayu / 07202244070.

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1 Text 1 By: Siwi Ratri K / 07202244063 Titik Rahayu / 07202244070

2 A husband and wife went to the fairgrounds. The wife wanted to go on the Ferris wheel, but the husband wasn't comfortable with that. So the wife went on the ride by herself. The wheel went round and round and suddenly the wife was thrown out and landed in a heap at her husband's feet. "Are you hurt?" he asked. "Of course I'm hurt!" she replied. "Three times around and you didn't wave once!" Taken from www.jokestogo.comwww.jokestogo.com

3 Sepasang suami istri pergi ke pasar malam. Sang istri ingin menaiki kincir ria, tetapi sang suami tidak merasa nyaman dengan hal itu. Kemudian sang istri naik kincir ria itu sendirian. Kincir itu berputar dan terus berputar dan tiba-tiba sang istri terlempar dan mendarat di gundukan tanah tepat di kaki suaminya. “Apakah kamu terluka?” dia bertanya. “Tentu aku terluka!” jawab sang istri. “Sudah tiga kali putaran dan kamu tidak melambaikan tangan sekalipun!”.

4 Notes: 1. We translate “Ferris Wheel” as kincir ria because it is a closest phrase to replace “Ferris Wheel”. In Oxford dictionary, Ferris Wheel a fairground ride consisting of a giant vertical revolving wheel with passenger cars suspended on its outer edge. Then, we find in English-Indonesia dictionary that the meaning of Ferris Wheel is kincir ria. Actually, we have another option to replace Ferris Wheel that is bianglala, but the word is not a standard language in Indonesian.

5 2. We have decided to change the meaning of “a heap” as “sebuah timbunan” to be “gundukan tanah.” It is because we adapt to the possible context in the fairgrounds. 3. We translate “three times around” as “sudah tiga kali putaran.” We have some possibilities: - Sudah tiga kali putaran - Sudah tiga kali berputar - Sudah tiga putaran Finally, we decide to use the first possibility becauseit is more appropriate.

6 Thank you for your attention…

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