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2-Metode Penelitian Dalam Psikologi Klinis
Aska Primardi
Research Methods Observation Case Studies Epidemiological research
Correlational research Cross-sectional >< longitudinal approaches The experimental method Single-case designs Mixed designs
Observation Unsystematic observation : casual observation, & developing hypotheses that can be tested Naturalistic observation : (+) carried out in real-life settings, more systematic, carefully planned, no real control by observer (-) Limited to a relatively few individuals/situations Controlled observation : same as naturalistic observation, except the investigator exerts a degree of control over the events being observed
Case studies Intensive study of a client or patient who is in treatment Information from : interviews, test responses, & treatment Such material might also include biographical & autobiographical data, letters, diaries, life-course information, medical histories, etc.
Epidemiological research
Is a study of the incidence, prevalence, & distribution of illness or disease in a give population Incidence : the rate of new cases of the illness/disorder is on increase (ex. AIDS cases increasing this year compared with last year) Prevalence : percentage of the target population is affected by the illness/disorders Ex : “smoking and health”, “relationship between schizophrenia and either socioeconomic class & factor
Correlational Methods
The technique : Correlating 2 variables. Commonly using The pearson product-moment correlation coefficient to determine the degree of relationship between 2 variables The questions of causality : no matter how logical it may appear, we cannot, on the basis of correlation alone, assert that one variable has caused another. Correlational >< experiment Factor analysis : examining the interrelationship among a number of variables at the same time
Cross sectional & longitudinal
Birth date Age 1980 65 70 75 80 85 1895 60 1900 55 1905 50 1910 45 1915 40 1920 35 1925 30 measurement 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975
The experimental method
Experimental group Control group Experimental hypothesis Independent variables : is supposed to be under the control of investigators & is expected to have a causal effect on participants behavior, which is referred to as the dependent variable
Experiment Between group design : two separate sets of participants, each of which receives a different kind of treatment Within group design : Comparisons might be made on the same patient at different points in time
Single-case designs A-B : Merupakan sebuah eksperimen dengan satu baseline dan satu treatment, dan tidak mempertimbangkan variabel-variabel ekstra yang mempengaruhi perubahan perilaku. A-B-A-B : Merupakan sebuah eksperimen dengan dua (atau lebih) baseline dan dua (atau lebih) treatment, untuk perilaku yang sama, pada satu subyek. Multiple-baseline-across-behaviors : Fase baseline dan treatment diberikan pada dua atau lebih perilaku yang berbeda, pada subyek yang sama. Multiple-baseline-across-subject : Fase baseline dan treatment diberikan pada perilaku target yang sama, dengan dua atau lebih subyek yang berbeda. Multiple-baseline-across-settings : Fase baseline dan treatment diberikan pada dua atau lebih seting, dengan perilaku dan subyek yang sama.
Mixed designs Experimental + correlational design
Research & ethics Informed consent Confidentiality Deception
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