1 Sumar Hendayana A Lesson learnt. 2 SCHOOL-UNIVERSITY LINKAGE APPROACH (Saito, 2004) Enhancement of Quality in Education UPI Pre-service Feed back on.

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Presentasi berjudul: "1 Sumar Hendayana A Lesson learnt. 2 SCHOOL-UNIVERSITY LINKAGE APPROACH (Saito, 2004) Enhancement of Quality in Education UPI Pre-service Feed back on."— Transcript presentasi:

1 1 Sumar Hendayana A Lesson learnt

2 2 SCHOOL-UNIVERSITY LINKAGE APPROACH (Saito, 2004) Enhancement of Quality in Education UPI Pre-service Feed back on school reality Consultancy Producing good prospective teachers Intervention to students Feedback on contemporary teachers’ needs Consultancy Developing teachers’ professionalism Sharing experiences Opportunities for expansion Schools/subject Lesson Study (in- service) District office of Educ

3 Role sharing (SISTTEMS) 3 Lesson Study Program Lesson Study Program District of Sumedang (Policy & Financial) Schools (Teachers & Financial) JICA (experts) UPI (lecturers) DGQITEP (policy) DGHE (financial)

4 Role sharing (Sampoerna Foundation) 4 School based CTPD (LSMGMP & LSBS) School based CTPD (LSMGMP & LSBS) Disdik Kabupaten Karawang Disdik Kota Surabaya Disdik Kabupaten Pasuruan Disdik Kota Pasuruan Sekolah UM UPI SF UNESA

5 Role sharing (PHK-I) 5 School based CTPD (LSMGMP & LSBS) School based CTPD (LSMGMP & LSBS) Disdik Kabupaten Subang Disdik Kota Bandung Disdik Kabupaten Bandung Disdik Kabupaten Bandung Barat Sekolah Disdik Prov Jawa Barat UPI Dikti

6 PRE- SERVCE IN-SERVICE 6 All teachers have opprotunity to participate in the CTPD through collaborative research lesson utilized optimally available learning resources Distance & transportation problems for teachers were reduced significantly video records as learning resource Improve student learning Disseminat e to other district and universities Lecturers help teachers and learn from reality Lecturers obtain feedback for improvement of pre- service Implication of developed Lesson Study Benefit for both sides

7 7 Pre-service Students Learning Activities

8 8 Role of UPI In Lesson Study Systems Development Quality assurance Networking Input for policy makers


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