Vitri Widyaningsih. Surveillance Continuous analysis, interpretation and feedback of systematically collected data, generally using methods distinguished.

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1 Vitri Widyaningsih




5 Surveillance Continuous analysis, interpretation and feedback of systematically collected data, generally using methods distinguished by their practicality, uniformity, and rapidity rather than by accuracy and completeness. Dengan observasi trend tentang tempat, waktu dan orang maka antisipasi terhadap perubahan dan upaya pengendalian dapat dilakukan secara tepat.

6 Tujuan Surveilans Kesehatan Mengukur besaran dari problim kesehatan atau pemaparan; Mengidentifikasikan kelompok resiko tinggi; Memantau kecendrungan waktu atau geografik Mengidentifikasikan faktor penyebab atau faktor resiko; Mengetahui adanya PAK secara dini (screening)

7 Kegunaan Data Health Surveillans Baseline data sebagai pembanding yad; Design program Promosi Kesehatan: TB, DM, Overweight, Cholestrol; Hepatitis; Cardiovascular. Effektivitas program OH

8 Elemen Occupational HS Environmental Monitoring Bio - monitoring Medical Surveillance: Medical check up; On site clinic (daily medical); Out/in patient; Medical absenteeism.

9 OCCUPATIONAL HS Environmental Monitoring Monitoring of agents and environment Biological Monitoring Measurement of contaminants or its metabolites in body……... Medical Surveillance Monitoring of individual to identify changes in health……….

10 Langkah Pokok Implementasi Surveillans Kesehatan Kerja Tetapkan Tujuan dan Sasaran Dapatkan Support Manajemen Bentuk Tim Surveilans (multi displin) Lakukan HRA Case definitions; Reporting guidelines; Pilih dan Latih pelapor; Protokol untuk kasus prioritas; Analysis dan interpretasi data Umpan balik Evaluasi sistem.

11 Medical Surveillance “Screening” for the preclinical signs of disease in order to prevent the development of overt disease Done in exposed population ( often with low risk ans low prevalence of occupational disease)

12 Biomonitoring Measuring the concentration of a substance or its metabolits in the body to estimate exposure and control (prevent) development of clinical disease

13 Environmental Monitoring Monitoring of agents or hazard in environment Chemical Physical Biological Etc

14 Thank you

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