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Diterbitkan olehDony Zaki Telah diubah "10 tahun yang lalu
Made by: Febri, Andrew, Erina, Leon, Luvin, Jordy
Rhyme of Rain By: John Holmes Made by: Febri, Andrew, Erina, Leon, Luvin, Jordy
It’s name is device from the nick name for New York Empirestate
Empire State Building Height: 1250 feet ( 381 meter ) It’s name is device from the nick name for New York Empirestate Cost: $
Think it Through 1.Who is talking in this poem? What are they doing while they’re talking? Raindrop, they’re falling. 2.What does one raindrop plan to do in lines 7-8? The first raindrop plan to land itself on the hat.
3. What finally happens in the last line
3.What finally happens in the last line ? How did you react to what happens? The first raindrop miss the hat. The reaction is sad. 4.Which words rhyme in the last two lines? Clap to the rhythm of the strong syllables in those lines. That and Hat
Poems “Fifty stories more to fall, Nothing in our way at all,”
Said a raindrop to its mate, Falling near the Empire State. Said the second, “Here we go! That’s Fifth Avenue below. ”Said the first one, “There’s a hat. Watch me land myself on that.” Forty stories isn’t far – Thirty seven- here we are – Twenty, sixteen, thirteen, ten – “If we make this trip again,” Said the second, “we must fall Near a building twice as tall.” “What a time to think of that,” Said the first, and missed the hat.
Tidak ada orang di jalan itu Kata tetesan hujan ke temannya,
“50 lantai lebih jatuh, Tidak ada orang di jalan itu Kata tetesan hujan ke temannya, Jatuh dekat Empire State. Kata tetesan hujan yang kedua, “ayo kita pergi! Itu jalan Avenue 5 dibawah.” Kata tetesan air yang pertama, “ada topi. Lihat saya mendarat di topi itu. 40 lantai tidak jatuh— 37– disini kita— 20,16,13,10 ---” “Jika kita jalan lagi,” Kata tetesan air yang kedua,”kita harus jatuh Di dekat gedung yang 2 kali lipat lebih tinggi.” “Tak ada waktu untuk memikirkan itu,” Kata tetesan hujan yang pertama, dan merindukan topi.
WORKBOOK How many strong beats does the first line have? Two Which word has both a weak and a strong beat? Never Look at the word at the end of each line. Which word rhymes with bones? stones
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