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Diterbitkan olehHenry Juventini Telah diubah "10 tahun yang lalu
GERUND ( Kata kerja berakhiran –Ing )
Adalah kata kerja yang terbentuk dari Verb (kata kerja) + -ing. Gerund dikenal juga sbg kata kerja yg dibendakan. Gerund digunakan jika : Kata kerja ( verb) sbg subjek : Swimming is my hobby. Jogging makes us fresh 2. Verb sbg objek/complement : I like swimming (O) : My hobby is swimming. (C) Verb sbg prepositional objek ( kata kerja terletak stlh kata depan – in, on, for, before, after, etc.) I’m sorry for coming late. Before leaving, he said nothing.
Setelah istilah khusus. Example :
It is no use studying without practicing – no use ( tiada guna ) She gets used to leaving near the airport – get used to (telah terbiasa) 5. Setelah possesive adjective (kata kepunyaan – my, his, her, our, their, your, Amir’s, etc ). Example: I hate Iwan’s wearing tattoo. His drawing is fascinating. Setelah kata kerja tertentu : admit, complete, mention, stop, can’t help, insist on, look forward to, appreciate, enjoy, continue, love, like, hate, dislike, finish, start, forget, remember, neglect, avoid, without, mind, practice, worth, no use, prefer, deny, consider, try, enjoy, etc. Example: We enjoyed seeing them again after so many years. Bob admitted stealing the money.
TO INFINITIVE ( Kata kerja berawalan to )
To infinitive merupakan kata kerja (verb) simple dengan awalan to. To infinitive digunakan apabila : Kata kerja (verb) setelah objek pelaku (accusative object). Example: She wanted me to buy a new camera. Prabu asked me to go with him. 2. Kata kerja stlh kata Tanya (how, when, where, why, etc.) yg mengawali klausa kata benda (Noun Clause). Example: She wanted me to know how to manage the business. I don’t know what to do.
Kata kerja sbg complement/ pelengkap. Example:
He is a nice man to talk to. It is easy for me to defeat him. Kata kerja setelah kata sifat berikut: The students are not yet able to handle such problem. We are ready to pass the test. Kata kerja setelah kata kerja tertentu : agree, appear, ask, begin, decide, demand, expect, tend, wait, intend, attack, learn, etc. Example: Ratu learned to swim when she was young. I expect to begin studying law next month.
Note : Terdapat sekelompok kata kerja yang dapat diikuti oleh Gerund (Ving) dan To Infinitive. Dalam hal ini yg berbeda adalah artinya. Kata kerja tsb adalah sbb : stop, remember, start, ride, begin, continue, like, love, hate, prefer, neglect, purpose, etc. Example: Gerund : I stop smoking. (Saya berhenti merokok) To Infinitive : I stop to smoke. Saya berhenti (dari melakukan suatu pekerjaan) untuk merokok Gerund : I remember inviting him. ( Saya ingat bahwa saya pernah mengundang dia) To Infinitive : I remember to visit him. ( Saya teringat untuk mengundang dia)
BARE INFINITIVE ( Kata kerja dasar tanpa to )
Kelompok kata kerja ini khusus diikuti “hanya” oleh kata kerja asal/dasar saja (tanpa to, -ing, s/es). Jadi hanya ‘”bare/polos” saja. Kata kerja tsb adalah : make, hear, notice, smell, let, observe, help, see, watch, feel, cross, etc. Note : Tense yg berbeda tdk mempengaruhi pemakaian kelompok kata kerja ini. Example : You made me cry! (bukan cried atau crying) Please, let her go! She has helped me lift the table I saw him cross the street
COMPUTER Computer is an electronic machine or device for processing data. Therefore it can solve problems by accepting data, performing operation data and giving the result of this operations. So the result of the operation is called information. Computer system is usually assembled by a collection of integrated devices working together in information techology and this system consists of functional elements or parts of input, storage, control, process and output devices. The components of all this computer are monitor, CPU, keyboard, printer, mouse, scanner, optic and Floopy Disc Drive, etc.
EXERCISES Choose the right answers! John completed__________ his thesis this summer. a. going b. go c. to going d. to go They didn’t plan _______ a car. a. buy b. to buy c. buys d. to buys The weather tends ______ in May. a. improving c. to improve b. improves d. improved I can’t help _________ in love with you. a. falls b. falling c. to fall d. to falling I avoid ________ problem with your family. a. get b. getting c. got d. to got
Complete the sentences with V-ing
I am afraid of She is making experiment on We are interested in He doesn’t know about I am sorry for
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