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KELOMPOK III Peserta Diklat Prajab.Gol.III 2013 Materi Etika PNS
Anggota Tim Kelompok III :
Sri Widia Ningsih,M.Si ~ Poltekkkes Riau Yuliana Arsil,M.Farm ~ Poltekkes Riau Sefanadia Putri, M.T.A ~ Poltekkes Tj.Karag dr. Hendro Birowo,Sp.S ~ RS.Pusat Otak Nasional dr. Yudy, SP.F ~ RSUPN CM Jakarta Jeffrynsen Immanuel Hand T, SKM ~ KKP Samarinda Farida Nailufar,MPH ~ Poltekkes Kaltim dr. Kartika Hapsari,Sp.OG ~ RS.Harapan Kita Jkrt Krisyanella, M.Farm ~ Poltekkes Bengkulu dr.Marissa Febiyani Setiono ~ RSJ Soeharto Heerdjan
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Fakta Text Here Text Here Krisdayanti Speaker Notes
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Fakta Text Here Text Here Artis K-POP Speaker Notes
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Kesimpulan Summary Overview Major Title Norma agama, dapat dibenarkan
Replace with presentation notes here. Dari segi etika, tergantung dari tujuan Kesimpulan Summary Overview XXXX Major Title Heading. XXXX Tidak melanggar norma hukum, tetapi melangar norma susila Norma agama, dapat dibenarkan jika bertujuan untuk rekonstruksi
Obsesi Six pack pada pria
Speaker Notes Use this space for overall notes and general comments. Simply select this text and replace it with your own comments. Fakta Obsesi Six pack pada pria Text Here Text Here Summary Heading. Text.
Dampak Negatif Many people do not understand that ethics are situation-specific and time-based -- and business ethics are no exception. Teaching Tip: But this does not mean that ethics are capricious or unimportant. In fact, all societies have a code of ethics and more businesses than ever recognize that a strong code of ethics is good business: it can protect the company from internal wrong-doing and possible legal liability, and, for marketers, serve as a strong foundation upon which to build long-term customer relationships. Ethical development can be thought of as having three levels: Preconventional Morality. This childlike level is calculating and self-centered. As a selfish morality, it is typically based upon what is likely to be immediately rewarded or punished. Conventional Morality. At this level the focus moves away from the self and toward the expectations (conventions) of the society in which the individual lives. Loyalty and obedience to “the rules” are important and this behavior can be generalized from society as a whole to an attachment to one’s company or organization. Marketers at this level are concerned with whether or not an activity is legal and how it is viewed by others. Postconventional Morality. At this level, the individual takes a long-run view of her or his actions, weighing them in relation to terminal values and matters of principle. This is the morality of the mature adult.
Kajian Secara Etika Tergantung Negara
Di Indonesia sebagian besar memandang operasi plastik yang tidak bertujuan untuk medis berlawanan dengan etika yang berlaku di masyarakat Many people do not understand that ethics are situation-specific and time-based -- and business ethics are no exception. Teaching Tip: But this does not mean that ethics are capricious or unimportant. In fact, all societies have a code of ethics and more businesses than ever recognize that a strong code of ethics is good business: it can protect the company from internal wrong-doing and possible legal liability, and, for marketers, serve as a strong foundation upon which to build long-term customer relationships. Ethical development can be thought of as having three levels: Preconventional Morality. This childlike level is calculating and self-centered. As a selfish morality, it is typically based upon what is likely to be immediately rewarded or punished. Conventional Morality. At this level the focus moves away from the self and toward the expectations (conventions) of the society in which the individual lives. Loyalty and obedience to “the rules” are important and this behavior can be generalized from society as a whole to an attachment to one’s company or organization. Marketers at this level are concerned with whether or not an activity is legal and how it is viewed by others. Postconventional Morality. At this level, the individual takes a long-run view of her or his actions, weighing them in relation to terminal values and matters of principle. This is the morality of the mature adult.
Kajian Secara Moral Norma Hukum Norma Susila Cibiran
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Haram (sengaja merubah tampilan fisik tanpa ada keluhan medis)
Use this space for overall reminders or special tips linked to the slide or occasion. Simply select this text and replace it with your own reminders. Kajian Secara Agama Summary Heading. Text. Hukumnya Mubbah (untuk rekonstruksi, ex: Bibir sumbing, kecelakaan, kebakaran, gangguan medis) Haram (sengaja merubah tampilan fisik tanpa ada keluhan medis)
Mensyukuri nikmat Tuhan
Speaker Notes Use this space for overall notes and general comments. Simply select this text and replace it with your own comments. Mensyukuri nikmat Tuhan Peningkatan Imtaq Solusi Summary Heading. Text. Mengubah Persepsi Menggali potensi diri
Use this space for overall reminders or special tips linked to the slide or occassion. Simply select this text and replace it with your own reminders. Summary Heading. Text. PEDE TANPA OPERASI PLASTIK
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