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Perangkat Keilmuan Fisika Diskripsi keadaan dan InteraksiModel Interaksi Diskripsi Makroskopik Diskripsi Mikroskopik Mekanika Termodinamika Gelombang.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Perangkat Keilmuan Fisika Diskripsi keadaan dan InteraksiModel Interaksi Diskripsi Makroskopik Diskripsi Mikroskopik Mekanika Termodinamika Gelombang."— Transcript presentasi:


2 Perangkat Keilmuan Fisika Diskripsi keadaan dan InteraksiModel Interaksi Diskripsi Makroskopik Diskripsi Mikroskopik Mekanika Termodinamika Gelombang Mekanika Kuantum Mekanika Statistik Interaksi gravitasi Interaksi elektromagnetik Interaksi kuat Interaksi lemah Scientific Study Physics Structural materials Symptoms Natural Natural sysmtems Systems Engineering systems Fundamental Interactions Solid Molecule Atom Core Elementary Particles etc. Cahaya Akustik dll. Earth Atmosphere Life, etc.. Nuclear reactors, etc Experimental Techniques jalinan Scientific STRUCTURE PHYSICS

3 BASIC PHYSICS Syllabus General Instructional Objectives (TIU) Instructional objectives (ICT )

4 GENERAL PURPOSE §Provides the concepts and basic principles of physics necessary for further study physics or other sciences. §Provides skills in basic physics problem solving, especially in the use of basic calculus as a tool.

5 PRESENTATION §Presented in 1 semester (@ 4 college credits which include Basic Physics I Basic Physics II §Each semester at least 14 weeks of lectures organized + 12 units of teory Every week was held 4 hours lecture + 2 hour tutorial

6 BASIC PHYSICS I syllabus l Physics and the measurement Motion in one and two-dimensional Newton's laws of motion and use, effort and energy, linear momentum and collisions, rigid body rotation on a fixed axis, angular momentum and moment of force, rigid body equilibrium, Law of universal gravitation, Fluid and solid mechanics Vibrational harmony, wave motion, sound waves, Superposition and standing waves Temperature, Expansion and ideal gas, heat and first law of thermodynamics, kinetic theory of gases, heat engines, entropy and second law of thermodynamics

7 BASIC PHYSICS II syllabus Electric field, Gauss law, electric potential, capacitance and dielectric Electric current and resistance, Ohm's Law, The series of direct current, Legal Kirchchoff Magnetic fields, source magnetic field, Faraday's Law, Inductance, series of alternating current, electromagnetic waves Geometrical optics, interference of light waves, diffraction and polarization Physics of atoms, molecules and solids, the core structure, use of nuclear physics and particle physics

8 REFERENCE BOOKS §Serway, Reymond A, “ Physics for Scientist and Engineers with Modern Physics”, 2 nd Ed.; Saunders, 1986 §Nolan, Peter J., 1993, “Fundamentals of College Physics, Wm. C. Brown Publisher, Melbourne, Australia. §Giancoli, Douglas C, “Physics for Scientist and Engineers”, 2 nd Ed., Prentice Hall, 1988. §Ohanian, Hans C., “Physics”, 2 nd Ed, Norton, 1989.

9 §Physics is the basic science that studies the properties and interactions between matter and radiation. §Physics is the science that is based on experimental observations and quantitative measurements (Scientific Method). Is Physics That?

10 The behavior of particles in space from time to time, including how they interact with each other. Interaksi Besaran Gaya  Gravitasi  Elektromagnet  Lemah  Kuat NATURAL EVENTS

11 Fisika Klasik Kuantum (sebelum 1920)(setelah 1920)  Posisi dan Momentum partikel dapat ditetapkan secara tepat  ruang dan waktu merupakan dua hal yang terpisah  Ketidak pastian Posisi dan Momentum partikel  ruang dan waktu merupakan satu kesatuan Hukum Newton Dualisme Gelombang-Partikel

12 Metode Ilmiah Pengamatan terhadap Peristiwa alam Hipotesa Eksperimen TidakCocok Teori Prediksi Hasil positif Hasil negatif Perbaiki teori Uji prediksi

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