1 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 2 Organic compounds? (1) Past : organic↓ organic substances could originate only from living material.

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2 2 Organic compounds? (1) Past : organic↓ organic substances could originate only from living material

3 3 Organic compounds? (2) Friedrich Wöhler, a German chemist, did an experiment (1828) : the inorganic, or mineral, substance called ammonium cyanate could be converted in the laboratory to urea, an organic substance found in the urine of many animals. the inorganic, or mineral, substance called ammonium cyanate could be converted in the laboratory to urea, an organic substance found in the urine of many animals.

4 4 Organic compounds? (3) organic↓ organic substances could originate only from living material

5 5 Definition of organic chemistry Organic chemistry is the branch of chemistry in which carbon compounds and their reactions are studied, but does not imply that these compounds must originate from some form of life.

6 6 Classes (1) AlkaneRH AlkaneRH AlkeneR-CH=CH 2 AlkeneR-CH=CH 2 AlkyneR-C≡C-H AlkyneR-C≡C-H Alkyl halideRX Alkyl halideRX AlcoholROH AlcoholROH EtherR-O-R EtherR-O-R AldehydeR-C=O AldehydeR-C=O │ H

7 7 Classes (2) KetoneR-C-R KetoneR-C-R ║ O Carboxylic acidR-C-OH Carboxylic acidR-C-OH ║ O EsterR-C-OR EsterR-C-OR ║ O

8 8 Classes (3) AmideR-C-NH 2 AmideR-C-NH 2 ║ O AmineR-CH 2 -NH 2 AmineR-CH 2 -NH 2


10 10 Definition a hydrocarbon is an organic compound consisting entirely of hydrogen and carbon organic compoundhydrogencarbonorganic compoundhydrogencarbon H C

11 11 Saturated Unsaturated Alkanes Alkenes Hydrocarbons Aromatic Alkynes Aliphatic

12 12 Hidrokarbon berdasarkan tingkat kejenuhan: 1. Hidrokarbon jenuh (saturated hidrocarbon) Hidrokarbon dengan ikatan tunggal Hidrokarbon dengan ikatan tunggal Ke-4 tangan atom C penyusunnya memegang 4 atom lain Ke-4 tangan atom C penyusunnya memegang 4 atom lain 2. Hidrokarbon tak jenuh (unsaturated hidrocarbon) Hidrokarbon dengan ikatan rangkap Hidrokarbon dengan ikatan rangkap

13 13 Bonding & Shape The carbon atom is central to all organic compound.

14 14 Hidrokarbon  senyawa organik yang paling sederhana. Hidrokarbon  senyawa organik yang paling sederhana. Atom C sebagai pusat senyawa organik Atom C sebagai pusat senyawa organik  C memiliki kemampuan untuk saling berikatan (ikatan kovalen) dalam bentuk rantai yang panjang & dalam bentuk cincin.

15 15 Usage Fuel Fuel Asphalt Asphalt Gasoline Gasoline Naphta Naphta Jet fuel Jet fuel Industrial solvent mixture Industrial solvent mixture Petroleum Petroleum Chlorofluorocarbon Chlorofluorocarbon

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