Didik Haryadi Santoso.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Didik Haryadi Santoso."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Didik Haryadi Santoso

2 Definisi Pembelajaran jarak jauh yang menggunakan teknologi komputer/koneksi internet Siswa/Mahasiswa dapat belajar di tempat mereka tanpa harus hadir ke kelas. On-demand course  pembelajar dapat belajar mandiri sesuai waktu yang mereka inginkan. (Allan J. Henderson,2003:2)

3 “E-learning is a broad set of applications and processes which include web-based learning, computer-based learning, virtual and digital classrooms. Much of this is delivered via the Internet, intranets, audio and videotape, satellite broadcast, interactive TV (ASTD: 2009)

4 “A broad combination of processes, content, and infrastructure to use computers and networks to scale and/or improve one or more significant parts of a learning value chain, including management and delivery.”

5 Komponen E-Learning Konten Desain E-Learning Teknologi

6 Desain E-Learning Web-Based Learning Computer-Based Learning
Virtual Education Digital Collaboration (The American Society for Training and Development/ASTD: 2009)

7 + e learning Interactivity (Interaktivitas)
Accessibility (Aksesibilitas) Independency (Kemandirian) Enrichment (Pengayaan) (Riyana,2007:22)

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