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MEMORY VARIABLES firstName = “Tom” create a cchracter memory variable whose symbolic name shall be firstName and assign to the string “Tom” to that variable lastName= “Jerry” create a cchracter memory variable whose symbolic name shall be lastName and assign to the string “Jerry” to that variable Display memory display local variables, foxpro system variable, windows definition, menu definition and pop-up windows definition
MEMORY VARIABLES (2) ?firstName dipslay memory variable firstName ?lastName dipslay memory variable lastName ?”Hello” display character string-display Hello ?M.firstName display memory variable firstName ?M.lastName display memory variable lastName
MEMORY VARIABLES (3) noName = firstName create a carachter memory variable whose symbolic name shall be noName and assign the contents to the contents of variable firstName Key = 5 creates a numeric memory variable whose symbolic name shall be Key and assign 5 to that variable Key = 5.5 creates a numeric memory variable whose symbolic name shall be Key and assign 5.5 to that variable Valid =.T. create a logical memory varible whose symbolic name shall be Valid and assigns True to that variable Valid = NOT.F. create a logical memory varible whose symbolic name shall be Valid and assigns True to that variable myDay = {12/25/98} creates a logical memory variable whose symbolic name shall be myDay and assigns 12/25/98 to that variable
STRING FUNCTION AND MANIPULATION firstName = “tom” lastName = “jerry” noName = “john doe” The + symbol is used to concatenate (merge/combine) two or more strings ?”Hello” + firstName display Hello tom ? firstName + lastName display tomjerry ? firstName +’ ’+ lastName display tom jerry
STRING FUNCTION AND MANIPULATION (2) UPPER FUNCTION ? ‘[‘ + Upper(firstName) + ‘]’ display [TOM] ? ‘[‘ + Upper(“good TimE”) + ‘]’ display [GOOD TIME] totalName = firstName +’ ’+lastName create a local memory variable whose symbolic name shall be totalName and assigns the contents to tom jerry totalName = Upper(lastName)+’, ’+Upper(firstName ) create a local memory variable whose symbolic name shall be totalName and assigns the contents to JERRY, TOM
STRING FUNCTION AND MANIPULATION (3) LOWER FUNCTION firstName = “TOm” lastName = “JERry” noName = “john doe” ? ‘[‘ + Lower(firstName) + ‘]’ display [tom] ? ‘[‘ + Lower(“good TimE”) + ‘]’ display [good time] totalName = firstName +’ ’+lastName create a local memory variable whose symbolic name shall be totalName and assigns the contents to tom jerry totalName = Upper(lastName)+’, ’+Upper(firstName ) create a local memory variable whose symbolic name shall be totalName and assigns the contents to JERRY, TOM
Operasi Tanggal dan Waktu CDOW() : menghasilkan nama hari dalam bahasa inggris Logic : ?CDOW(ctod(“tanggal”)) Contoh : ?CDOW(ctod(“3/20/2006”)) Monday CMONTH() : menghasilkan nama bulan dalam bahasa inggris Logic : ?CMONTH(ctod(“tanggal”)) Contoh : ?CMONTH(ctod(“3/20/2006”)) March DATE() : menghasilkan nilai tanggal sekarang Logic : ?DATE() Contoh : ?DATE() 04/09/2013
Operasi Tanggal dan Waktu(2) DATETIME() : menghasilkan nilai tanggal sekarang Logic : ?DATETIME() Contoh : ?DATETIME() 04/09/2013 05:30:21 PM DAY() : menghasilkan tanggal (1 sd 30) Logic : ?DAY(“tanggal”) Contoh : ?DAY(ctod(“3/20/2006”)) 20 DMY() : menghasilkan tanggal, bulan,dan tahun Logic : ?DMY(ctod(“tanggal”)) Contoh : ?DMY(ctod(“3/20/2006”)) 20 March 2006
Operasi Tanggal dan Waktu(3) MDY() : menghasilkan bulan, tanggal, dan tahun Logic : ?DMY(ctod(“tanggal”)) Contoh : ?DMY(ctod(“3/20/2006”)) March 20, 2006 TIME() : menghasilkan jam sekarang dengan format hh:mm:ss Logic : ?TIME() Contoh : ?TIME() 05:30:21
Operasi Numeric ABS : menghasilkan nilai mutlak Contoh : ?ABS(-3) 3 INT() : menghasilkan bilangan bulat Contoh : ?INT(1.9) 1
Konversi Tipe dan Ekspresi ASC() : menghasilkan nilai ASCII dari karakter yang menjadi argumen Contoh : ?ASC(“A”) 65 CHR() : menghasilkan sebuah karakter yang nilai ASCII nya dicantumkan dalam argumen Contoh: ?CHR(65) A CTOD() : menghasilkan data bertipe tanggal berdasarkan string argumennya Contoh: ?CTOD(“3/20/2006”) 03/20/2006 Contoh
Konversi Tipe dan Ekspresi (2) DTOC() : menghasilkan data bertipe string berdasarkan date argumennya Contoh: ?DTOC(date()) “03/20/2006” STR() : menghasilkan nilai string dari numeric Contoh: ?STR(5) “5” VAL() : menghasilkan nilai numeric dari string Contoh : ?VAL(“5“) 5
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