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Airline Reservation
Vocabularies to memorize
Airline : Penerbangan Airport : Bandara Check-in : Konfirmasi keberangkatan Electronic check-in : Konfirmasi online Ticket : Tiket Itinerary : Rencana perjalanan Heading : Menuju Destination : Tujuan Security check : Cek keamanan Checking a luggage : Memasukkan koper ke bagasi
Boarding pass : Lisensi masuk pesawat
Airport tax : Pajak bandara Waiting room : Ruang tunggu Delayed : Ditunda Canceled : Dibatalkan On time : Tepat waktu Boarding time : Saat pesawat tiba Gate : Gerbang/pintu keluar atau Masuk Airplane runway : Landasan pesawat
On board : bearada di dalam pesawat
Seat : tempat duduk Electronic devices : Alat2 elektronik No Smoking area : area dilarang merokok Take-off : Terbang Touch-down : mendarat Landing : Mendarat Connecting flight : Penerbangan transit Turbulence : gangguan tekanan udara Bad weather : cuaca kurang baik Crash : Jatuh
Now you have been scheduled/booked:
Sekarang anda sudah dijadwalkan tiketnya. Refund : penggantian rugi Reimburse : Pemberian kerugian/kompensasi I lost my ticket : Tiket saya hangus I forfeit my ticket : tiket saya hangus Arrival : Kedatangan Departure : Keberangkatan
Some pictures to see
Dialogue at Airline agency
Reservation clerk: Global Nusa, Good morning. May I help you? Jony : Yes, do you have any flights to Jakarta next Saturday afternoon? Reservation clerk: Just a minute please…. Yes. There is a flight at 4:50 pm and one at :30 pm. Which flight would you like? Jony : The 4:50, please. Can I make a reservation, please? Reservation clerk : Certainly.
Jony : Could you tell me how much it is?
Reservation clerk : It is Rp Could I have your name, please? Jony : My name is Jony, that’s J-O-N-Y. Reservation clerk : How would you like to pay, Mr. Jony? Jony : I will pay it by cash. Reservation clerk : Okay, just a moment….
Reservation clerk : Would you like an isle or a window
seat? Jony : The window seat, please. Reservation clerk : Alright….. Now you have been booked, Mr. Jony. The flight leaves at 4:50, and your arrival in Jakarta will be at 5: pm. The flight number is CGK 447. Jony : Alright, thank you. Reservation clerk : Sure anytime.
Your Turn to Talk Make a dialogue talking about airline reservation.
Get your partner to concept the ideas and then practice your dialogue.
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