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Kisi-kisi UTS Bahasa Inggris
Pattern Recognition Writing using Pattern
Sentence Practice Andi adalah seorang pelaut (Andi is a sailorman)
Dia suka makan ikan (He likes to eat fish) Dia sedang memasak di dapur sekarang (He is cooking in the kitchen now) Dia biasanya pulang ke rumah setelah 3 bulan melaut (He usually goes home after 3 months of sailing) Dia sangat mencintai keluarganya meskipun mereka jarang bertemu (He loves his family so much even though they don’t frequently meet each other) Dia pernah bercerita bahwa kapal tempat dia bekerja lebih besar dari kapal-kapal lain yang sejenis bahkan mungkin yang terbesar (He ever told me that the ship he works at is bigger than other similar ships and perhaps it is even the biggest one)
Adverb, Adjective Pattern
Dia mengeksekusi tendangan bebas itu dengan cantik (He executed the free-kick beatifully) adverb of manner Tendangan bebasnya cantik (His free-kick was beautiful) adjective Tendangan bebasnya adalah kecantikan (His free-kick was a beauty) noun Tidak ada seorangpun yang menyanggah kecantikan tendangan bebasnya (No one refutes the beauty of his free-kick) noun Catatan: The, a, an adalah article
Part of Speech. Identify what part of speech is the underlined word !
You have to believe in yourself if you ever expect to be successful at something. We left for the mountain just before six in the morning. We first went to the store to buy a few things. We had a breakfast at a café near the rail station. My friend wasn't strong enough to lift his heavy rucksack. I helped him carry it. The weather was very cold. My friend said, "Oh! What a cold weather!" We didn't spend the night there. We got back home late at night but we didn't go to sleep immediately. We were very hungry. TIPS: read the slide page no 6 !
Relative Pronoun/Adverb
Relative Pronoun/Adverb. Fill in the blanks with the correct relative pronoun/adverb (who, whom, which, whose, when, where) This is the man … saved the kid. The house… windows are open is beautiful.. The writer … wrote that article won the Nobel Prize. He bought a car … runs fast. He was wearing a cap … was black. The boy … backpack is in the classroom already went home. This is the man … I was telling you about. Hiro is from Tokyo, … is the capital of Japan. Donna lives in a small town … is about an hour from Milan. I moved back to the country in … I was born. I think Ellen went to New York, … her company's main offices are. October 31 is the day … Americans celebrate Halloween. 11:50 is the time at … our class ends. Mr. Peters, … was my first grade teacher, is in the hospital. Nurse Roberts, to … Stacy gave her medical records, is very nice.
Sentence Simplification Tuliskan kembali setiap kalimat di soal Relative Pronoun/Adverb (setelah diisi dengan relative pronoun/adverb yang tepat) dengan kalimat yang lebih sederhana (simple) tapi masih tetap valid (tidak salah) secara tata-bahasa. Contoh: The students who are studying in room 102 have done all the assignments . Kalimat sederhananya: The students have done all the assignments “who are studying in room 102” adalah Adverb Clause, yang menerangkan students yang mana.
Writing Practice Cerita seperti di halaman 2 (Sentence Practice) di atas menggunakan pola kalimat seperti ini: S + Linking Verb + Predicative Noun S + Verb + to Infinitive + Object S + Auxiliary Verb + (Verb+Ing )+ Adverb S + Adverb + Verb + Adverb S + Verb + Object + Adverb + Conjunction + Independent Clause (S+Adv+Verb+Pronoun) Soal: Buatlah tulisan bebas tentang apapun sebanyak 5 kalimat dengan pola kalimat dan urutan seperti di atas !
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