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Diterbitkan olehTomy Kirani Telah diubah "10 tahun yang lalu
Writing (Building Sentences) By : Salman, S.Pd.I, M.Tesol
Review 1.I am like banana / I like banana 2.I am go to market / I like banana 3.You are sick / You sick 4.Are you happy? / do you happy? 5.We are play soccer / We play soccer 6.The man sits on chair / The man is sits on chair 7. Is my father at home? / Does my father at home? 8.We are the champion / We the champion 9.He is eat rice / He eats rice 10.We are run to the sea / We run to the sea
#1: Sentence A sentence has one subject and one verb I eat rice I go to school I sleep on bed A sentence has one subject and tobe I am student You are lazy
S + V + object/complement S + tobe + Object/complement I love you. One verb One subject
#2: Compound Sentence A compound sentence is made up of two or more simple sentences joined by one of the following: A comma and one of the conjunctions (so, and, or, but I like to study grammar, and I love this class. A semicolon I like to study grammar; I love this class. A semicolon and a transitional I like to study grammar; therefore, I love this class.
WalkRunSleepStudyWork CryLaughBringBuyEat DrinkCookSitStandRead WriteRepairwaitGoGo home Come backLearnOpenClosePut FeellistenSee/ lookbreakask LaterFastAndThenWith BeforeAfterInOnBeside BehindUnderBetweenBrokenHungry ThirstyTiredSleepyTodayVery ThatbutHereTheretogether BeachMarketCakeFoodWater BookLetterRoomStreetOffice HospitalHotelTableChairBicycle StuffDoorLessonHouseBall VoiceBedwave Vocabulary List
1.Hari ini, saya merasa sangat capek, saya berjalan cepat ke pantai dan melihat laut, kemudian saya mendengar suara ombak. Setelah itu, saya pulang dan saya tidur diatas tempat tidur, kemudian saya bangun dan saya makan kue karena saya lapar. 2.Kamu merusak sepeda saya, saya minta kamu untuk memperbaikinya, karena saya pulang dengan sepeda. Saya tahu kamu tertawa, tapi saya duduk disini menunggu kamu memperbaikinya. 3.Dia meletakkan bola dibawah meja, tapi saya meletakkan bola diatas tempat tidur.
4.Dan kemudian kami pergi ke rumah sakit bersama sama. Kami membawa kue dan kami makan disana. Saya haus dan kemudian saya meminta air, tetapi mereka tidak memasak air di dapur rumah sakit. Kemuadian saya membeli air di pasar. 5.Amir berjalan di kota, dia memandangi orang orang, kemudian dia pergi ke hotel dan tidur disana. Tiga hari kemudian Amir pulang ke rumah dan memasak makanan untuk dimakan bersama keluarga. 6.Please write your own story (using I) 7.Please write other’s story (using she or he)
Whenever I see your face the world disappears, All in a single glance so revealing. You smile and I feel as though I've know you for years. How do I know to trust what I'm feeling? I believe my heart, What else can I do? When every part of every thought leads me straight to you. I believe my heart. There's no other choice, For now whenever my heart speaks, I can only hear your voice. The life-time before we met has faded away. How did I live a moment without you? You don't have to speak at all, I know what you'd say. And I know every secret about you. I believe my heart. It believes in you. It's telling me that what I see is completely true. I believe my heart. How can it be wrong? It says that what I feel for you I will feel my whole life long. I believe my heart. It believes in you. It's telling me that what I see is completely true. And with all my soul I believe my heart. The portrait that it paints of you is a perfect work of art.
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