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Diterbitkan olehYulius Sulthan Telah diubah "10 tahun yang lalu
Communication? ways of sending (transmission of) information, ex. electronically as traffic lights. (arti, tujuan, keinginan, ketrampilan terkait dengan pengetahuan dan pemahaman, metode/cara) Developing communication: esensi komunikasi adalah an activity that involves at least two people (misal anak dan ibu), yang diarahkan mampu berinteraksi sosial. Pengembangan biasanya dimulai umur 3 bulan. Early interaction. Interaction: communication and work together (an effect on each others). Belum dibekali dengan skill, pengetahuan atau pemahaman berkomunikasi Bruner menekankan pada Intersubjectivity in the development of social interaction, dalam artian berjenjang: tahun ke-1,2,3; mulai 1,2, conversation, focus, dan attention. Schaffer: adult; competent partner, responsibility.
Intentional communication? Goldbart taxonomy: Three levels of pre-intentional behaviour; reflexive, reactive, proactive. Piaget: perkembangan selama the sensory-motor period, ini berarti adanya indikasi the cognitive development as foundations for social interaction. The development of language Building up vocabulary Moving on from single words Semantic – pragmatic developments Support for language development: decisions and choice
Cognition and learning The development approach Perceptual development Concept formation Contingency learning Memory (short-term memory, and long-term memory): asimilasi, akomodasi, skema Problem solving
Behavioural, emotional, and social development Becoming a social being The function of play Imaginative play helps to develop thought and language Imaginative play helps children to understand others Imaginative play helps creativity Imaginative play helps children to come to terms with themselves The development of self – esteem and its place in emotional development Behaviour: emotional and behavioural difficulties
Sensory and physical development Physical development. Pengembangan motorik, otot skill Sensory development Sensory environments The development of vision The development of hearing Multi – sensory impairment
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