Pengenalan Pola/ Pattern Recognition Introduction

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1 Pengenalan Pola/ Pattern Recognition Introduction
Imam Cholissodin S.Si., M.Kom.

2 Pokok Bahasan Introduction Dasar Pengenalan Pola 1
Klasifikasi 1 Klasifikasi 2 [Bedah Paper 1] Klasifikasi 3 Latihan Koding [Bedah Paper 2] UTS Topik Final Project + Makalah (min. 10 Hal.) Regresi + [Fix Paper, Topik Final Project & Acc] SVM + [Presentasi Bedah Paper Base Topik FP & Dataset, Desain Interface] Klasterisasi 1 + [Progres Koding Preposesing/Ekstraksi Fitur & Uraian Metode] Klasterisasi 2 + [Progres Koding Algoritma & Hasil Uji Coba] Presentasi Koding FP ke-1, bonus 10 + [Dok. Langsung berupa Paper] Presentasi Koding FP ke-2, bonus [Dok. Langsung berupa Paper] Presentasi Koding FP ke-3, bonus [Dok. Langsung berupa Paper] Keterangan : Paper dibuat minimal 8 Hal., maksimal 14 Hal. (Lihat Contoh Paper)

3 Referensi J.P. Marques de Sa. Pattern Recognition : Concepts, Methods, and Applications. Springer. 2001 R. O. Duda, P. E. Hart, D. G. Stork. Pattern Classification. Willey. 2001 Christopher M. Bishop. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning. Springer. 2006 S. Theodoridis, K. Koutroumbas. Introduction to Pattern Recognition 4th edition. Elsevier. 2009

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