PERSIAPAN UAS Introduction to International Business

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1 PERSIAPAN UAS Introduction to International Business

2 Materi UAS 1. Topik: The Strategy of International Business dan Entry Strategy and Strategic Alliances - Buku Hill Chapter 12 dan 14 2. Topik: Exporting, Importing, and Countertrage - Buku Hill Chapter 15 3. Topik: Global production, Outsourcing, & Logistic - Buku Hill Chapter 16 4. Topik: Structure, Learning and Multinational Business Innovation - Buku Peng Chapter 10 5. Topik: Strategizing with Corporate Social Responsibility - Buku Peng Chapter 12

3 Peraturan UAS Sifat Tes: Open Book.
Handphone/Alat Komunikasi pada saat ujian dikumpukan di Meja Pengawas. Alat tulis dan buku tidak boleh saling meminjam. Datang tepat waktu. (Tidak boleh terlambat). Pakaian mengikuti aturan UAS yang berlaku.


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