Leaders Are Not Alone: Gaya Manajemen Kepemimpinan #10. Senin, 27 Oktober 2014.

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1 Leaders Are Not Alone: Gaya Manajemen Kepemimpinan #10. Senin, 27 Oktober 2014

2 Review: cara memahami personalitas Presidential character –Menyangkut tingkat keativan dan kepuasan bekerja. Operational code –Menyangkut pertanyaan-pertanyaan filosofis dan instrumental. Leadership trait analysis –Menyangkut pertanyaan-pertanyaan karakter personal yang mempengaruhi kebijakan luar negeri. Afektif/Emosi

3 Harry S. Truman’s Quotations “the buck stops here.” “Greatest part of the President’s job is to make decisions has to decide. He can’t pas the buck to anybody. No one else can do the deciding for him. That’s his job.” “The papers may circulate around the Government for a while but they finally reach this desk. And then, there’s no place else for them to go.”

4 Decision Units The person or the group who are in a position not only to make foreign policy decision but also to prevent any other entity within the government from explicitly reversing that decision. (Hermann et. al., “How Decision Units Shape Foreign Policy Behavior,”dalam New Directions in the Study of Foreign Policy, ed. Charles F. Hermann et. al. (Boston: Allen dan Unwin, 1987), 311) Orang atau kelompok yang berwenang membuat kebijakan, serta menjaga pihak- pihak di dalam pemerintahan melawan/bertentangan dengan kebijakan tersebut.

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