Reduksi / Pengurangan Set-Up

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1 Reduksi / Pengurangan Set-Up

2 Definisi Set-Up Waktu yang digunakan dari part terakhir pada run sekarang hingga stasiun kerja mulai memproses first good piece pada run berikutnya.

3 Langkah Proses Set-Up (1) Preparation Step. Pekerjaan yang dilakukan untuk mempersiapkan set-up atau changeover, seperti mencari material-material, jigs, gauges dan lain-lain. Makes up approximately 30% of the set-up process time.

4 Langkah Proses Set-Up (2) Mounting and Dismounting Step.
Pekerjaan untuk melepaskan tools dari mesin dan menempatkan tools baru ke mesin Makes up approximately 5% of the set-up process time.

5 Langkah Proses Set-Up (3) Centering, dimensioning and setting step. Mencari dan menentukan penempatan yang tepat untuk tools dan peralatan (fine-tuning the tooling and equipment) untuk produksi part berikutnya Takes approximately 15% of the set-up process time.

6 Langkah Proses Set-Up (4) Trial Runs and Adjustments.
Aktivitas trial and error yang berulang-ulang untuk mengatur perkakas dan peralatan untuk produksi part sesuai spesifikasi. - Makes up the largest single time element in most set-up- approximately 50% of the set-up process time. - This is where initial efforts can reap large benefits in reducing set-up times.

7 Langkah Proses Set-Up Preparation Step- 30% of the Set-up Time
Mounting and Dismounting Time 5% of the Set-Up Time Centering , Dimensioning- 15% of the Set-up Time Adjustments and Trial Runs- 50% of the Set-Up Time

8 Reduksi Set-Up Sebuah proses dimana waktu total yang dibutuhkan untuk pertukaran peralatan pada sebuah stasiun kerja diturunkan secara dramatis melalui seubah systematic, problem-solving, waste-eliminating approach untuk mendukung perkembangan menuju produksi berukuran lot kecil.

9 Keutamaan Reduksi Waktu Set-up
- Reduce total process time. - Reduce lot sizes to minimal levels to achieve flow. - Reduce Queue time. - Reduce Inventory/WIP - Improve Product Mix/Flexibility - Reduce costs - Increase capacity - Improve Quality - To reduce technical or special training to perform set- up.

10 Tujuan Reduksi Set-Up (1) Eliminate set-up/changeover time entirely is the optimum goal. (2) Reduce Lot Sizes (3) Reduce Lead time. (4) Reduce Inventory Costs. (5) Increase Flexibility through simplicity.

11 Tujuan Reduksi Set-Up (6) Improve tool and product design. (7) Improve Idle Asset usage. (8) Increased Capacity/Productivity. (9) Reduce Scrap (10) Improve Maintenance Costs. (11) Happier Customers. (12) Improved Material Flow and Usage.

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