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Evidence Based Medicine
Indah P. Kiay Demak Medical Education Unit Faculty of Medicine & Public Health Tadulako University
Pendahuluan Dalam pekerjaan sehari hari, dokter dihadapkan pada kebutuhan informasi tentang masalah medis yg relevan (evidence-based) sementara arus informasi berubah dengan cepat.
Tujuan Mencari bukti yang relevan dan bermanfaat untuk meningkatkan kualitas perawatan pasien
Apa itu EBM ? Adalah integrasi bukti penelitian terbaru (the best research evidence), keterampilan klinik dan masalah yang ada pada pasien. Research evidence ---- > clinically relevan research. Clinical expertise ---- > ability to use our clinical skills and past experience to rapidly identify. Patients values > preference, concerns and expectations each patients bring to serve the patients.
Definisi Proses penelitian dan penggunaan informasi yg disajikan dalam literatur untuk memperbaiki perawatan pasien. Prosesnya: Mengubah “kekurangan pengetahuan” (knowledge deficit) menjadi pertanyaan klinik yg spesifik, Dgn cara meng-evaluasi bahan kepustakaan yg berhubungan dengan pertanyaan klinis, untuk memperbaiki perawatan pasien
Evidence from at least one properly randomized controlled trial. Category II-1: Evidence from well-designed controlled trials without randomization. Category II-2: Evidence from well-designed cohort or case-control analytic studies, preferably from more than one center or research group. Category II-3: Evidence from multiple times series with or without intervention or dramatic results in uncontrolled experiments such as the results of the introduction of penicillin treatment in the 1940s. Category III: Opinions of respected authorities, based on clinical experience, descriptive studies and case reports, or reports of expert committees. [Source: Harris, R.P. et al. (2001). Current methods of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force: a review of the process. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. April 20 (3 Supplement): ]
The Knowledge Filter Correction of errors Primary literature
How much is incorrect? Correction of errors Much of it is correct The Knowledge Filter (H.H. Bauer, 1995) (adapted)
How is LoE implemented in Recommendation Guidelines? (2)
Strength of Recommendation: Class I: Conditions for which there is evidence/general agreement that a given procedure/therapy is useful and effective. Class II: Condition for which there is conflicting evidence or divergence of opinion about the usefulness /efficacy of performing the procedure /therapy. Class IIa: in favor of usefulness Class IIb: usefulness is less well established Class III:Condition for which there is evidence/general agreement that a procedure/therapy is not useful/effective and may be harmful.
Aspek –aspek pembelajaran EBM :
Mengidentifikasi kekurangan pengetahuan. Menentukan pertanyaan klinik yg spesifik. Menemukan artikel yg relevan dalam literatur medis.
Langkah-langkah melakukan EBM
Merumuskan masalah (membuat pertanyaan klinik) Mencari informasi yang diperlukan Melakukan critical appraisal terhadap informasi yang didapat Menerapkan informasi yang didapat ke pasien Mengevaluasi keefektifitasannya
Langkah 1 Mempertanyakan pro dan kontra Terapi Pemeriksaan diagnostik
Prognosis dan risiko Cost effectiveness
Langkah 2 Mencari melalui internet, jurnal, textbook
Langkah 3 Melakukan initial appraisal: pengarang, tahun terbit, edisi atau revisi, penerbit, judul jurnal Melakukan content analysis: intended audience, rasional, cakupan, cara penulisan, review Jika berasal dari website dianalisis: accuracy, authority, currency, objectivity, coverage
Langkah 4 Bagaimana menerapkan ke pasien
Apakah ada hal-hal yang harus disesuaikan
Langkah 5 Evaluasi efek yang terjadi pada pasien tertentu
Menerapkan lanjutan atau diganti yang lain
Elemen dalam penerapan
P= patient I = intervention C = comparison O = outcome
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