22.3.2 Managerial failure costs. Kegagalan memanajemen biaya dapat timbul disepanjang proses pengembangan perangkat lunak. Berikut merupakan contoh kegagalan.

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1 22.3.2 Managerial failure costs

2 Kegagalan memanajemen biaya dapat timbul disepanjang proses pengembangan perangkat lunak. Berikut merupakan contoh kegagalan kegagalan yang terjadi dalam pengerjaan perangkat lunak : -Unplanned Cost disebabkan oleh pengabaian sumber daya. -Biaya kerusakan yang dibayarkan ke pelanggan sebagai kopensasi. -Domino effect, Adanya kerusakan terhadap proyek lainnya, efek dari kesalahan tim yang sama, sehingga pengerjaan proyek tertunda.

3 22.4 Application of a cost of software quality system

4 22.4 Application of a cost of software quality system (Cont’d) Berikut merupakan faktor yang diperlukan untuk menerapkan biaya pada sistem kualitas perangkat lunak dalam organisasi : -Menentukan tipe dari model cost yang ada (Classic or extended model). Contoh :

5 22.4 Application of a cost of software quality system (Cont’d) -Definisi dari metode pendataan. Berisikan tentang metode dalam mengumpulkan data terkait dengan keseluruhan biaya yang digunakan dalam pembuatan software. Berikut merupakan beberapa tips untuk memilih sebuah sistem pendataan. Expected savings in costs by running a working data collection system already operating instead of creating and running an independent system. Avoidance of disagreements in interpretation of the data provided by the MIS versus the data provided by the independent system

6 22.4 Application of a cost of software quality system (Cont’d) -Implemenatasi dari biaya kualitas software. implementation of a new cost of software quality system involves: Assigning responsibility for reporting and collecting quality cost data. Instruction of the team in the logic and procedures of the new system. Follow-up Updating and revising the definitions of the cost items together with the reporting and collecting methods, based on feedback

7 22.4 Application of a cost of software quality system (Cont’d) - Tindakan yang diambil dalam menanggapi temuan yang dihasilkan. Merupakan sebuah tindakan yang diambil setelah organisasi melakukan analisis software quality report sebelumnya.


9 22.5 Problems in the application of cost of software quality metrics

10 Inaccurate and/or incomplete identification and classification of quality costs. Negligent (kelalaian) reporting by team members and others. Biased reporting of software costs, especially of “censored” internal and external costs Biased recording of external failure costs

11 Problems arising when collecting data on managerial preparation and control costs include: Contract review and progress control activities are performed in many cases in a “part-time mode”. Many participants in these activities are senior staff members who are not required to report use of their time resources.

12 Problems encountered in collection of data on managerial failure costs, especially schedule failures include: Determination of responsibility for schedule failures. Payment of overt (not “camouflaged”) and formal compensation.


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