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Diterbitkan olehPortgas Wicaksono Telah diubah "10 tahun yang lalu
STATE ORGANS Muchamad Ali Safaat
CONCEPTS State Organ: Whoever fulfills a function determined by the legal order is an organ (Kelsen). Logeman: State is an “ambt” organization. Constitutional Organ: Organ that created by the constitution. Jimly: constitutional importance organ.
Const. State Organs Unitary State (Art. 1 Para 1) Supremation of the Cons. The rule of law Republic Presidential Separation of Power
Supremation of the Cons. The rule of law Preambule:.. maka disusunlah Kemerdekaan Kebangsaan Indonesia itu dalam suatu Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Indonesia..” Article 1 Para 2: “Kedaulatan berada di tangan rakyat dan dilaksanakan menurut Undang-Undang Dasar” Article 1 Para 3: “Negara Indonesia adalah negara hukum”
REPUBLIC Preambule: “… yang terbentuk dalam suatu susunan Negara Republik Indonesia yang berkedaulatan rakyat…” Article 1 Para 1: Negara Indonesia adalah negara kesatuan yang berbentuk republik Article 1 Para 2: “Kedaulatan berada di tangan rakyat dan dilaksanakan menurut Undang-Undang Dasar”
Presidential Basic Agreement on Amendment A. Will not change the Preambule B. Maintaining the unitary state of the Republic Indonesia C. Purify the presidential system D. The normative substance on the explanation will be ruled in articles. E. Amendment by addendum
TNI/POLRI Advisor council State ministries Others organ that the fuction correlated to judiciary KY UUD 1945 kpu Central bank DPR DPD MPR CONSTITUTIONAL STATE ORGANS BPK MA MK Presiden Lingkungan Peradilan TUN Lingkungan Peradilan Militer Lingkungan Peradilan Agama Lingkungan Peradilan Umum Provincial Representati ve of BPK Provice Government DPRD Gubernur Kabupaten/Kota Government DPRD Bupati/ Walikota Bupati/ Walikota Special Court
Article 24 (1) Judiciary power MA MK Article 4 (1) Executive Power Presiden State Organs that hold state power based on the Constitution (Trias Politica) Article 20 (1) Legislative Power DPR
MPR Article 2 (1) Amend and decide the constitution [Article 3 Para (1) and Article 37; Inaugurate the President and Vice Presiden t [Article 3 Para (2); Dismiss/impeach the President and/or Vice President in his term of office [Article 3 Para (3); Elect Vice President from two candidates proposed by the President in time of Vice President Vacant [Article 8 Para (2); Elect President and Vice President from two candidates proposed by political party or allies of political parties which their presidency candidate obtain the two largest vote on the last presidential general election in time of both the President and Vice President die, resign, dismissed, or could not perform their duty simultaneously. [Article 8 Para (3). Authority PEOPLE ASSEMBLY (MAJELIS PERMUSYAWARATAN RAKYAT ) HoR members Elected through GE Senate Members Elected through GE
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