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State Transition Diagram
State transition diagram memperlihatkan Sejarah hidup suatu kelas Kejadian-kejadian yang menyebabkan perubahan dari suatu keadaan ke keadaan yang lain. Aksi-aksi yang menghasilkan suatu perubahan keadaan. State transition diagrams dibuat untuk obyek-obyek dengan perilaku dinamis yang menonjol. Menunjukkan perilaku dinamis (berorientasi pada kejadian.) Tujuan Model siklus hidup obyek Model reactive objects (user interfaces, devices, dll.) 37
Statechart Diagram Add student[ count < 10 ] Add Student /
Set count = 0 Add student[ count < 10 ] [ count = 10 ] Cancel Initialization Open do: Initialize course do: Finalize course do: Notify registered students entry: Register student exit: Increment count Canceled Closed 38
Statechart Diagram (lanjutan)
Contoh Lain State Transition Diagram
Initial State Final State State diagrams are used to describe how objects work They show: The life history of a given class The events that cause a transition from one state to another The actions that result from a state change An example of a state diagram for a bank account. Rectangles are states that are stages in the behavior of an object States are represented by the attribute values of an object. Arrows represent transitions - progressions from one state to another Initial state - solid circle Final state - outlined circle When an account is active, you can withdraw from it, deposit to it, query it, and close it.
Component Diagrams Component diagrams memperlihatkan organisasi dan ketergantungan antara komponen-komponen perangkat lunak. Komponen dapat berupa: Source code Run time Executable component 39
Component Diagram Dependencies Register.exe Billing.exe Billing System
Course.dll People.dll Course User Components Course Offering Student Professor 40
Component Diagram Components Dependencies
Component diagrams show the software components that make up a reusable piece of software, their interfaces, and their interrelationships. Component diagrams illustrate the organizations and dependencies among software components A component may be A source code component A run time components or An executable component An example that models the architectural business view of a telecommunication company. The boxes represent components. The dotted lines show dependencies between components. The purpose is to partition a system into cohesive components that have stable interfaces, creating a core that need not change in response to subsystem level changes.
Deploying Diagram Deployment diagram menunjukkan konfigurasi dari elemen-elemen pengolahan run-time dan proses-proses perangkat lunak yang ada padanya. Deployment diagram memperlihatkan distribusi dari komponen-komponen yang melintasi perusahaan. 41
Deployment Diagram Registration Database Library Dorm Main Building 42
Deployment Diagram Memperlihatkan topologi perangkat keras sistem
Deployment Diagram Components
Deployment diagrams show the configuration of run-time processing units, including the HW/SW that runs on them. An example that models the configuration of a three-tiered client/server customer service application. Similar notations are used for both deployment and component diagrams. Deployment diagram shows how the HW/SW units will be configured and deployed for an application. Things to consider for each component are applicable technical issues such as network bandwidth, response time, data rates, etc. Each component will be documented by a set of models. (e.g. Database - data model, application server - component diagram, customer service - GUI interface diagram/prototype)
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