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INTRODUCING PERTEMUAN 1 DST115 Desain Praktis Indra G Rochyat, MA.

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Presentasi berjudul: "INTRODUCING PERTEMUAN 1 DST115 Desain Praktis Indra G Rochyat, MA."— Transcript presentasi:

1 INTRODUCING PERTEMUAN 1 DST115 Desain Praktis Indra G Rochyat, MA

2 SILABUS DESAIN PRAKTIS PERTEMUAN 1 Mahasiswa dipacu untuk dapat terampil membuat solusi dalam merancang karya produk dan jasa secara cepat, tepat dan benar dengan penekanan pada semua aspek pada tema sustainable design for tomorrow didalam menterjemahkan bentuk, fungsi dan solusi pada tingkat yang sederhana untuk mengantisipasi pasar baru, trend dan kompetisi terbuka.

3 Sustainable design for tomorrow PERTEMUAN 2

4 The design brief techniques Investigation PERTEMUAN 2 Write all the information that needed for design specification FUNCTION: a functional object must solve the problem described in the design brief APPEARANCE: how will the object look? The shape, color, and texture should make the object attractive. MATERIALS: what material are available to applied? The considerations are: affordable, the right physical properties: such as strength, rigidity, color, durability, etc? CONSTRUCTION: will it hard to make? Consider what method you will need to cut, shape, form, join and finish the material. SAFETY: the object of the design must safe to use. It should not cause the accidents.

5 Web sites References W.M.Pena, Steven A. Parshal, PROBLEM SEEKING, 4 th edition, John Wlley & Sons, New York, 2007 William Lidwell, UNIVERSIAL PRINCIPLES of DESIGN, Rockport Publishers, US, 2003

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