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Lesson Designing and Conducting Agricultural Research
Terminologi Konstante Kontrol Dependent variable Eksperimen Extraneous variable Hypothesis Independent variable Ulangan Scientific method Perlakuan Variabel (Peubah) SUMBER: fairfld61.files.wordpress.com/.../bsaaa1-2-designing-and-conducting-agr...
Apakah Metode Ilmiah itu? Proses penyelidikan ilmiah, atau metode ilmiah, merupakan proses untuk menemukan “pengetahuan ilmiah” yang dilakukan secara sistematis dan terkendali. Proses ini digunakan dalam semua aspek penelitian. The scientific method helps to ensure that conclusions reached through study are valid and reliable. When conducting experimental research, all factors except the factor or variable under investigation are controlled, or held constant. As a result, any observed results are, in fact, due to the single variable being examined. There are eight basic steps in the scientific method. SUMBER: fairfld61.files.wordpress.com/.../bsaaa1-2-designing-and-conducting-agr...
Metode Ilmiah A. Identify the problem. B. Research the problem. C. Formulate the hypothesis. D. Design and conduct experiment. E. Collect data. F. Analyze the data. G. Draw conclusions. H. Make recommendations. SUMBER: fairfld61.files.wordpress.com/.../bsaaa1-2-designing-and-conducting-agr...
Tahapan dalam melaksanakan penelitian pertanian Ada delapan tahapan dalam penelitian ilmiah: 1.The first step in conducting agricultural research is identifying the problem to be investigated. Typically, this is best stated in the form of a question. The research problem should grow out of the researcher’s areas of interest and personal experience in agriculture. By choosing a problem in an area of interest, the researcher will find the experimentation process to be more enjoyable and more relevant. 2.Langkah berikutnya dalam metode ilmiah adalah untuk meneliti masalah-penelitian. Peneliti harus memanfaatkan berbagai sumber untuk mendapatkan pengetahuan tentang masalah-penelitian yang akan diuji. Informasi ilmiah ini akan memungkinkan peneliti untuk masuk ke langkah berikutnya dalam metode ilmiah, yaitu menyusun hipotesis. SUMBER: fairfld61.files.wordpress.com/.../bsaaa1-2-designing-and-conducting-agr...
3. The next step in the process is to predict the results of the experiment. This prediction is called a hypothesis. a.Hipotesis adalah “kerangka teoritis” yang diterima secara tentatif yang menjelaskan hubungan antara dua variabel. Secara umum, hipotesis harus menunjukkan sifat hubungan di antara variabel tersebut. Peneliti harus menggunakan latar belakang pengetahuan dan pengalamannya di bidang ini untuk merumuskan hipotesis. b.Once the hypothesis is made, it is subjected to a test that attempts to isolate the important factors. This test is called an experiment. SUMBER: fairfld61.files.wordpress.com/.../bsaaa1-2-designing-and-conducting-agr... Tahapan dalam melaksanakan penelitian pertanian
4. The fourth step in the scientific method is to design and conduct the experiment. Factors to consider in the design of the experiment include observation and measurement procedures, control measures, and selection of variables. a.Variabel merupakan karakteristik yang dapat digunakan untuk menjelaskan suatu obyek atau fenomena. Variabel berubah dari waktu ke waktu dan mungkin memiliki lebih dari satu nilai. b.An independent variable is the characteristic that the researcher believes will affect another variable. Researchers manipulate an independent variable by managing its presence in the experiment. c.Manipulasi peubah bebas (independent variable) dikenal (disebut) sebagai “Perlakuan” (treatment). SUMBER: fairfld61.files.wordpress.com/.../bsaaa1-2-designing-and-conducting-agr... Tahapan dalam melaksanakan penelitian pertanian
Variabel terikat (Variabel tidak-bebas, Variabel tergantung) adalah karakteristik yang akan diamati. Variabel ini diharapkan dapat berubah sebagai akibat dari perubahan variabel bebas. Pengukuran variabel ini sangat penting untuk keberhasilan percobaan. Selama fase percobaan ini, peneliti harus menentukan cara yang paling tepat dan sesuai untuk mengukur pengaruh variabel-bebas. It is critical that the design of the experiment match the stated hypothesis. This means that the researcher must make sure that the experiment answers the question stated earlier. The research design also should provide for replication. Replication is the exact duplication of the experiment. This allows the results to be verified across numerous trials, resulting in greater confidence in the results. After all design procedures have been followed, then it is time to conduct the experiment. SUMBER: fairfld61.files.wordpress.com/.../bsaaa1-2-designing-and-conducting-agr... Tahapan dalam melaksanakan penelitian pertanian
5. Tahap berikutnya dalam percobaan adalah pengumpulan data. Peneliti harus secara konsisten dan tepat mengikuti metode yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya, dijelaskan dalam desain eksperimen tentang pengukuran dan pengumpulan data. a.A pattern or format of collecting and recording data should have been developed in the design stage of the experiment. b.Data summary charts are usually used to record experimental data. These charts should be as simple as possible, yet provide for all data to be completely and consistently recorded. SUMBER: fairfld61.files.wordpress.com/.../bsaaa1-2-designing-and-conducting-agr... Tahapan dalam melaksanakan penelitian pertanian
6. Once the data is collected, the next step is to analyze the data. In this stage, data that was collected during the experiment is analyzed so it can be used later to draw conclusions. The research will follow the procedures outlined in the experiment design stage in organizing the data. This can be a very exciting stage of the research process because results of the experiment become evident. SUMBER: fairfld61.files.wordpress.com/.../bsaaa1-2-designing-and-conducting-agr... Tahapan dalam melaksanakan penelitian pertanian
7. Setelah data-mentah disusun dalam bentuk yang bermakna, peneliti dapat menarik kesimpulan dari informasi yang terkandung dalam data. Peneliti harus menjawab pertanyaan, "Apakah hipotesis benar?" Hal ini dilakukan dengan mencari pola dalam data atau dengan menafsirkan hasil analisis data. During this process, the researcher must also determine if there is any evidence to suggest that the data might be inaccurate or in any way misrepresent what actually happened in the experiment. At this point any limitations of the experiment also must be noted. SUMBER: fairfld61.files.wordpress.com/.../bsaaa1-2-designing-and-conducting-agr... Tahapan dalam melaksanakan penelitian pertanian
8. Tergantung pada sifat dari percobaannya, peneliti dapat merumuskan rekomendasi berdasarkan hasil-hasil (temuan) dari percobaannya. a.Findings should be explained in detail through conclusions, written discussion, and recommendations. Results of this experiment should be compared to results obtained from similar experiments. b.Finally, based upon the results of the completed experiment, the researcher should identify new research questions to explore through further experimentation. c.Through this continuing cycle of questioning, experimentation, further questioning, and further experimentation, agricultural research is done. SUMBER: fairfld61.files.wordpress.com/.../bsaaa1-2-designing-and-conducting-agr... Tahapan dalam melaksanakan penelitian pertanian
SUMBER: fairfld61.files.wordpress.com/.../bsaaa1-2-designing-and-conducting-agr...
Mengapa Penelitian harus terkontrol ? Penelitian harus dilakukan dengan cara yang terkontrol dan tepat untuk memastikan bahwa hasil percobaan adalah valid dan terpercaya. Hasil dalam suatu percobaan harus dapat dipertanggung-jawabkan. Hasil-hasil ini dapat dipertanggung jawabkan jika percobaan memiliki variabel bebas, variabel tidak-bebas, variabel “asing” yang dapat dikendalikan, dan konstanta. Extraneous variables are the factors which may impact the effect on the dependent variable. The extraneous variables must be limited to the greatest degree. If extraneous variables are present in an uncontrolled manner, the results may not be accurate or repeatable. A controlled experiment must have constants or conditions in an experiment that remain the same. Control is the process of holding factors constant in an experiment. SUMBER: fairfld61.files.wordpress.com/.../bsaaa1-2-designing-and-conducting-agr...
Pertanyaan penting ………. 1. Apakah Metode Ilmiah itu? 2. What are the steps in conducting research in agriculture? 3. Mengapa penelitian harus dikontrol? SUMBER: fairfld61.files.wordpress.com/.../bsaaa1-2-designing-and-conducting-agr...
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