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Matakuliah : V Psikologi Pelayanan Tahun : 2009 KOMUNIKASI EFEKTIF Pertemuan 6
KOMUNIKASI Komunikasi sebagai alat penyampaian ide,pikiran,perasaan dan kebutuhan kita Komunikasi mencakup penyampaian informasi dapat dilakukan melalui : tindakan,sikap,bahasa tubuh,ekspresi wajah,maupun kinerja sehari-hari Bina Nusantara University
Pengirim berita/sender Penerima berita/receiver Berita/message
Elemen Komunikasi Pengirim berita/sender Penerima berita/receiver Berita/message Channel atau media Bina Nusantara University
Verbal ( lisan & tulisan ) Communication Non Verbal Body language
Mimic Expression etc Bina Nusantara University
Barries in Communication
Worries Introvert Tools Feedback Mind Perception Concentration Noise Language Etc Barries in Communication Bina Nusantara University
Communication Skill Ketrampilan mendengar aktif
a. Sabar menunggu sampai pembicara selesai b. Tidak memotong pembicaraan kecuali pembicara melantur c. Fokus dan perhatian pada pembicara d. Menatap mata lawan bicara 2. Ketrampilan membuat kalimat 3. Ketrampilan kerja sama Bina Nusantara University
TYPE OF COMMUNICATION 1. Agresif 2. Submisif 3. Pasif-agresif
4. Asertif Bina Nusantara University
AGRESIF Agresif is the act for hurts, attack, or payoff someone. Agresif will make uncomfortable the partner and hurrasment. Agresif arise from rude words, intonation, expression, or reflection with act. Bina Nusantara University
Benefits and Disadvantage of Agresif
More attention will get. Example :Democracy Fear Reaction fast Disadvantages : Disturbia Only obbey when the bos there Not comfortable itself Bina Nusantara University
ASERTIF Open = tell what you want with honest
Two way communication = not only deliver but how to listening Respect = talk with honest and truth in good words not hurt somebody Equality = understanding two side Good will = asertif is purpose for success organization not personal Bina Nusantara University
HOW TO BE ASERTIF Change mindset that you are equal with your partner
Think carefully what do you want and what do you fell Talk with simple and clear sentences Attention the mimic, intonation, body language Choose the best time Think the possible things and prepare the anticipation Bina Nusantara University
FINITO Bina Nusantara
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