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Memberikan pengetahuan mengenai proses- proses konversi yang dapat terjadi pada bahan yang mengandung flavor (perisa) dan aplikasinya di Agroindustri Proses Konversi Pada Bahan Yang Mengandung Flavor Substansi Rasa, Sumber Flavor, Flavor dan Aroma dalam Produk Hasil Pertanian (Bawang, Kopi, Teh)

3 Definition of Flavor Integrate response to a complex mixture of stimuli primarily on the senses of smell and taste, but also on those associated with sight (color and appearance), tactile sensation (texture and mouth feel) and pain (pungency) Flavor is one of the important qualities of foods which are decisive in the selection, acceptance, and ingestion of a food. 3

4 Stimulus Senses Sensory Response
Taste Food Flavor Odor

5 Substansi rasa : manis, pahit, asam, dan asin
Pada dasarnya lidah hanya mampu mengecap (taste) empat jenis rasa: yaitu pahit, asam, asin dan manis. Substansi rasa : manis, pahit, asam, dan asin Manis  grup hidroksi (molekul gula), sakarin, kloroform Pahit  pahit dan manis berasal dari kelompok yang sama, dengan perbedaan tergantung pada stereokimia molekul stimulus Contoh : -Asam amino D-isomer  manis, L-isomer  pahit -Sakarin  manis, tapi terlalu banyak menyebabkan rasa pahit -Fenil tiokarbamida, Kreatin -Alkaloid  quinone, kafein, teobromin Asin  rasa asin klasik : NaCl dan LiCl Alternatif : garam K dan ammonium Asam  ion hidronium (H3O+)

6 Flavor enhancer  berkontribusi terhadap rasa lezat suatu makanan
Contoh : - MSG (mono sodium L-glutamat) - 5’IMP (5’ inosin monofosfat) Astringency  fenomena seperti rasa kesat, rasa kering di mulut, (seperti pengeringan jaringan mulut)  Asosiasi dari tanin atau polifenol dengan protein dalam saliva Contoh : tanin pada teh Pungency  sensasi rasa pedas dan tajam contoh : cabe (capsaicin), merica (piperine), jahe (gingerole) Cooling  sensasi cooling (dingin) terjadi akibat kontak bahan di hidung dan jaringan mulut contoh : pippermint, spearmint, wintergreen, mentol, camphor

7 Development of Flavor Substances
Flavor substances formed during normal plant & animal metabolism. *Plant  remain in situ when the plant is harvested (example : essential oils, fruit and vegetable flavors). - Fruit flavor develops during ripening periode - Vegetables flavor develops during cellular disruption b. Flavoring components resulting from enzyme-catalyzed reactions (e.g. enzyme-modified dairy products : butter, cheese etc) c. Flavoring constituent produced as a result of microbiolo- gical action/fermentation (e.g. wines, dairy products, tea) d. Flavor resulting from heat processing or cooking (e.g. cooked meat flavors, roasted coffee)

8 Nonvolatile Precursor Precursor-splitting Enzyme
a1. Formation of flavor components in Vegetables Carbohydrate metabolism Fatty acid metabolism Amino acid metabolism Nonvolatile Precursor Linoleic- Linolenic acid Thioglucosino-late Cystein- Sulfoxides (C-S) Methyl- methionine Precursor-splitting Enzyme Lipoxygenase Thioglucosi-dase C-S-lyase None (heating) Carbonyls Alcohols Oxo-acids Isothiocyanates Nitrilles Thiocyanates etc Polysulfides Alkyl-thiosulfinates CH-S-CH3

9 a2. Diagram Biosintesis Senyawa Flavor Buah-buahan
Karbonil Alkohol Asam okso Thiosianat Nitril Isothiosianat Alkilthiosulfinat Polisulfida ASAM LINOLEAT ASAM LINOLENAT THIOGLUKO- SINOLAT SISTEIN SULFOKSIDA Lipid Protein Karbohidrat β-oksidasi Asetil Ko-A Siklus Asetat Asam shikimat Asam alifatik Ester Lakton Siklus asam Mevalonat Mono substitute Phenol Monoterpen Seskuiterpen Polifenol Flavonoid C6C1 Fenol Kresol Orsinol C6C3 Fenol Asam sinamat Eugenol Safrol

10 b. Flavouring substances produced with Enzymes
Product Substrate Enzyme Butyric acid Butter fat Lipase Caproic acid Acetaldehyde Ethanol Alcohol dehydrogenase Geranial Geraniol Cinnamic alcohol Cinnamic aldehyde Methanethiol Methionine Methioninase Capric acid

11 c. Flavouring Substances produced by Microbial Fermentation
Microorganism Product Lactococcus species Leuconostoc species Diacetyl Pseudomonas species 3-Isopropyl-2-methoxy pyrazine Streptococcus lactis Methyl butanol Trichoderma viride 6-pentyl-α-pyrone Bacillus subtilis Corynebacterium glutamicum Aspergillus oryzae Tetramethyl pyrazine 1-octene-3-ol (mushroom aroma)

12 d. Flavor Formation During Thermal Processing
(Cooking) Nonenzymatic Browning (Maillard browning, caramelization) e.g. baked bread, steak, freshly brewed coffee or chocolate *Maillard Browning : Reaction between carbonyls (reducing sugars) and amines (amino acids/proteins)  melanoidin & pyrazine (largest contribution to flavor of chocolate) Formation of Flavor Compound via Maillard Reaction : Aliphatic aldehydes, ketones, diketones & lower chain length fatty acids *Caramelization : sugars thermally decomposed at >1500C, more rapidly at at high pH

13 Deep Fat Fried Flavor : Hydrolysis of triglycerides (reaction between triglyceride with water) Oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids Pyrolysis reaction (>2000C, overheated)  acrolein (burnt fat : glycerol  acrolein)

14 Bawang Putih Contoh Flavor dan Aroma dalam produk Hasil Pertanian
Diallyl thio- sulphinate (Allicin) allinase S-(2-propenil)-L-Sistein Sulfoksida =Alliin (prekursor, tidak berbau) When fresh garlic is chopped or crushed, the enzyme allinase converts alliin into allicin which is primarily responsible for the aroma of fresh garlic. Allicin : provides flavor, pungency and bioactive. help prevent heart disease (including atherosclerosis, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure) and cancer

15 Diallyl thiosulphinate (Allicin) H2C=CH-CH2-S-S-CH2-CH=CH2
*Pembentukan aroma pada Bawang Putih 2 H2C=CH-CH2-S-CH2-CH-COOH NH2 O H2C=CH-CH2-S-S-CH2-CH=CH2 O Diallyl thiosulphinate (Allicin) +H2O-2NH3 -2H3C-CO-COOH (Alliinase) S-Allyl-L-cysteine sulfoxide (Aliin: prekursor tdk berbau) H2C=CH-CH2-S-S-CH2-CH=CH2 Diallyl disulphide Other products H3C-S-S-CH2-CH=CH2 Methylallyl disulphide The sulfur compound allicin, produced by crushing or chewing fresh garlic  produces other sulfur compounds : allyl sulfides, ajoene, and vinyldithiins.

16 When a cell is broken by chopping, chewing, or crushing, enzymes stored in cell vacuoles trigger the breakdown of several sulfur-containing compounds stored in the cell fluids. The resultant compounds are responsible for the sharp or hot taste and strong smell of garlic.  Diallyl disulfide is believed to be an important odour component.  Allicin has been found to be the compound most responsible for the "hot" sensation of raw garlic. The process of cooking garlic removes allicin, thus mellowing its spiciness

17 Kopi Flavor kopi  kafein, asam, senyawa fenol, dan senyawa volatil hasil dari penyangraian biji kopi ( oC, menit). Flavor asam tergantung senyawa asam klorogenat, asam quinat Selama penyangraian : Karbohidrat (gula) karamelisasi Asam amino pirolisis Tanin  bahan fenolik volatil

18 Coffee Bean Roasting (approximately 200°C) :
Tambahan Info Coffee Bean Roasting (approximately 200°C) : Caramelization occurs as intense heat breaks down starches in the bean, changing them to simple sugars that begin to brown, changing the color of the bean. Sucrose is rapidly lost during the roasting process and may disappear entirely in darker roasts. During roasting : aromatic oils, acids, and caffeine weaken, changing the flavor at 205°C, other oils start to develop. One of these aromatic oil is caffeol, created at about 200°C, which is largely responsible for coffee's aroma & flavor.

19 Teh Tea contains : Catechins, a type of antioxidant (highest in concentration in green tea, while black tea has substantially fewer due to its oxidative preparation) Theanine the stimulant caffeine, small amounts of theobromine, theophylline and fluoride

20 With black tea this is done simultaneously with drying.
Tambahan Info Tea Processing Leaves of Camellia sinensis soon begin to wilt and oxidize if not dried quickly after picking. The leaves turn progressively darker as their chlorophyll breaks down and tannins are released. This process, enzymatic oxidation, is called fermentation in the tea industry, although it is not a true fermentation: it is not caused by microorganisms, and is not an anaerobic process. The next step in processing is to stop the oxidation process at a predetermined stage by heating, which deactivates the enzymes responsible. With black tea this is done simultaneously with drying.

21 Teh : Pengaruh proses terhadap aroma teh Tipe proses Produk utama
Oksidasi lipid tidak jenuh - cis-3-heksenol - trans-2 heksenal Degradasi asam amino Aldehid, sebagian berubah menjadi alkohol Hidrolisis glikosida terpene Linalool, geraniol Degradasi karotenoid Monoterpen

22 Flow Diagram of Chocolate Production
Senyawa : Theobromin (stimulating) & tannin (color & taste) Step 1: cocoa beans Step 2: shell and nibs Step 3: cocoa powder Step 4: plain chocolate

23 Flavor Daging Thiazole  flavor daging rebus
2-metil-3-furantiol  flavor daging bakar Beberapa bahan yang biasa digunakan untuk meningkatkan flavor daging : Hidrolisat protein tanaman/HVP Otolisat khamir (yeast extract) Lemak hewan tertentu Tepung Telur ayam Gliserol Glutatione Glukosa Arabinosa 5’-ribonukleotida Metionin MSG Thiamin (Vit. B1) Sistein

24 The Maillard reaction occurs when the denatured proteins on the surface of the meat recombine with the sugars present. The combination creates the "meaty" flavor and changes the color. For this reason, it is also called the browning reaction. The Maillard reaction occurs most readily at around 300° F to 500° F. When meat is cooked, the outside reaches a higher temperature than the inside, triggering the Maillard reaction and creating the strongest flavors on the surface.

25 Ingredients of Flavouring
Flavouring consist of : 1. Flavouring ingredients : Flavouring substances natural, natur-identical, artificial 2. Non-flavouring ingredients : Flavor adjunct, flavor enhancer

26 1. Flavouring Ingredients
Flavouring Substances are defined chemical component with flavouring properties, not intended to be consumed as such and categorized as : a. Natural Flavouring Substances : defined substance obtained by appropriate physical, microbiological, or enzymatic processes from foodstuff or material of vegetable or animal origin as such (natural state) or after processing by food preparation processes. Can not contain any nature-identical or artificial flavoring substances

27 Natural Flavoring “The term “Natural Flavoring” or “Natural Flavor” means : essential oil, oleoresin, essence or extractive, protein hydrolysate, distillate, or any product of roasting, heating or enzymolysis, which contains the flavoring constituents derived from natural sources : spice, fruit, or fruit juice, vegetable or vegetable, edible yeast, herb-plant material, meat, seafood, poultry, eggs, dairy products, or fermentation products whose significant function in food is flavoring rather than nutritional”

28 b. Nature-Identical Flavouring Substances :
flavouring substances obtained by synthesis or isolated through chemical processes from a natural aromatic material and chemically identical to a substance present in natural products intended for human consumption, either processed or not In general are members of chemical groups like aliphatic alcohol, aldehydes, ketones, acetals, acids, esters, heterocyclics, phenols, phenolesters, sulphides, thiols. Manufactured mostly by esterification, oxidation, or Grignard reaction from essential oils or terpene fractions thereof, fats and mineral oils derivatives.

29 c. Artificial Flavouring Substances :
flavouring substances, not yet identified in a natural product intended for human consumption, either processed or not. These are typically produced by fractional distillation and additional chemical manipulation  naturally sourced chemicals or from crude oil or coal tar. Vanillin

30 Artificial Flavouring Substances :
Example Vanillin (4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde): starting material is guaiacol Ethyl vanillin : starting material is guaiene Vanillin

31 2. Non Flavouring Ingredient : Flavour adjunct :
food additives and food ingredients necessary for the production, storage and application of flavouring as far as they are non-functional in the finished food Example : Solvent : water, glycerol, triacetine, ethanol, propylene glycol (PG), vegetable oil, triethyl citrate, benzyl alcohol Carrier : modified starch (maltodextrine), lactose, gelatin Emulsifier/stabilizer : mono/diglycerides, gelatine Colorant Processing aids (enzyme) : microbial or animal derived

32 Flavour enhancer : substance with little or no odour at the level used, the primary purpose of which is to increase the flavour effect of certain food components well beyond any flavour contributed directly by the substance itself Example : - MSG - Ribotide (I+G) - Sugar, salt & vinegar

33 Example of Vegetable Based Material :
Plant extract (e.g. fruit juices, essential oil, oleoresin,etc.) HVP (hydrolyzed vegetable protein) soy protein hydrolyzed by acid or enzyme Flavouring substances isolated from essential oil (e.g. anethol, benzaldehyde, eugenol, citral, dimethyl sulfide, etc.) Dried spices & herbs

34 Example of Animal Based Materials :
Meat & fat (fresh, dried, extract) Milk & its derivatives Fatty acids Amino acids (e.g. cysteine, cystine (can be from human hair/feather) & phenylalanine )

35 Animal secretion : - Ambergris or ambra (intestinal tract
ikan paus Animal secretion : - Ambergris or ambra (intestinal tract of the sperm or cachalot whale) - Civet absolute (odorous glandular secretion of male and female civet) - Musk absolute (glandular secretion of the male musk deer, found in an internal pouch located under the skin of the abdomen) Civet (Kesturi) musk deer

36 Jenis Flavor Berdasarkan sumber dan proses pembuatannya :
Flavor natural/alami Flavor Natural identical (diolah dari bahan alami untuk menghasilkan flavor sintetis). 3. Flavor Artifisial/Sintetis (buatan) Flavor natural/alami dibuat atau diekstraksi dari bahan-bahan alami, misalnya rasa bawang yang diambil dari ekstrak bawang, rasa ayam yang diperoleh dari sari ayam, rasa udang yang berasal dari tepung udang, dll

37 Perisa natural identical disusun dari bahan-bahan alami untuk menghasilkan rasa yang identik dgn yg ada di alam misalnya turunan dari minuman keras yang bisa disintesa menjadi berbagai perisa buah-buahan. Contohnya fussel oil yang merupakan produk samping dari minuman keras, bisa digunakan sebagai bahan penyusun perasa stroberi, leci, dan nanas. Sebenarnya bahan-bahan tersebut adalah bahan alami, tetapi kemudian direaksikan dengan bahan-bahan lainnya dan menghasilkan rasa tertentu yang dikehendaki.

38 Perisa buatan/sintetis (artifisial) dihasilkan dari bahan-bahan sintetis/reaksi kimia, contohnya sintesis bahan-bahan kimia yang berasal dari turunan minyak bumi. Contoh butil cinamaldehid yang memiliki rasa mirip dengan bunga (melati dan lili) butil butirat yang memiliki rasa mirip buah-buahan pir dan nanas Berbagai asam amino yang bisa mirip rasa daging atau ayam.

39 Flavor terdiri dari berbagai jenis  Salah jenis molekul dasar yang dapat dimodifikasi untuk membentuk komponen aroma yang berbeda, contohnya adalah dicyclopentadiene (DCPD)






45 FLAVOR CREATION : 2 cara/pendekatan
Metode tradisonal untuk menciptakan formula konstituen flavor utama yang diketahui lalu diatur nuasanya dgn menambahkan bahan flavor dgn karakter odor/flavor yg diketahui  tergantung pengalaman flavoristnya Pendekatan ilmiah, menciptakan formula flavor menggunakan hasil analisis dg Gas Kromatografi/alat lain  menghasilkan profil flavor, tapi ada komponen flavor yang tak terdeteksi ) disebabkan error /keterbatasan alat saat analisis  terbaik kombinasi keduanya

46 FLAVOR BREAKDOWN Flavor break down into : flavor (character, contributory and differential) + diluent Character Impact : when smelled, that are clearly reminiscent of the named flavor. This could be a pure flavor chemical ( e.g citral for lemon) or a natural material (e.g fenugreek for maple).  See Table 1. Flavor Contributory : these components help develop the named flavor, They have a character similar to that of the named flavor (e.g. oil of tagette for apple, orris root for raspberry and ethyl butyrate for grape) Flavor Differential : these components contribute different unique notes to the flavor (e.g. peppermint for vanillin flavor, jasmine for strawberry flavor, menthol for flavor butterscotch)

47 Table 1. Character Impact
Apple Ethyl 2-methylbutyrate Iso amyl acetate Banana Butter Diacetyl Caramel 2,5 dimethyl-4 hydroxy furanone Cherry Benzaldehyde Cinnamon Cinnamic aldehyde Coconut Gamma nona lactone Delta octalactone Clove eugenol Jasmine Benzyl acetate

48 Table 1. Character Impact (cont.)
Lemon citral Mushroom 1-octen-3-ol Peach Gamma undecalactone Peanut 2,5-dimethyl pyrazine Peppermint Menthol Seafood pyridine Piperidine Trimethyl amine Smoke Guaiacol 2,6-dimethoxyphenol Strawberry Ethyl methylphenylglycidate Ethyl maltol Tomat Isobutyl thiazole Vanilla vanillin

49 Diluent = flavor solvent
Flavors are seldom 100 % active components , but more likely only %. This is because the individual flavor contituent may not be mutually soluble. A solvent may therefore be required to keep the flavor from precipitating or undergoing phase separation. The solvent also adds some bulk, which may be desirable in term of manufacturing (i.e. a larger volume to weight or distribute in a food product) water, glycerol, triacetine, ethanol, propylene glycol (PG), vegetable oil, triethyl citrate, benzyl alcohol Can be added with other flavor adjuct and or flavor enhancer

50 FLAVOR MANUFACTURING Raw Materials Handling :
Comminution, sieving, extraction with solvent, pressing, distillation (direct, steam, vacuum, azeotropic) and sterilization (gas, radiation) 2. Liquid Flavor Production : Blending and compounding, clarification (filtration, centrifugation), emulsification, homogenization, pasteurization and preservation 3. Dry Flavor Production : Dehydration, adsorption, spray-drying, microencapsulation, powder blending

51 Keamanan Flavor Keamanan produk (product safety) dan teknik evaluasi keamanan perlu diperhatikan , khususnya dalam penggunaannya didalam bahan pangan. Evaluasi keamanan bagi senyawa flavor dimulai tahun 1960, di AS terhadap bahan a Aditif atau Bahan Tambahan Pangan. Senyawa yang terbukti aman oleh para pakar mendapat Status GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) Di Amerika, evaluasi senyawa flavor dilaksanakan oleh FEMA (The US Flavor and Extract Manufacturer's Association). Di Eropa, kegiatan evaluasi keamanan senyawa flavor dilakukan oleh Council of Europe (CoE).  CoE mempublikasikan suatu daftar yang berisi senyawa flavor serta sumber alam dari flavor yang disebut "Blue Book".

52 Diagram alir proses produksi flavor
Bahan Baku (bagian tumbuhan/tanaman/hewan) Pre-Treatment (Sortasi, Pencucian, Pembersihan, Pengecilan ukuran, dll) Pemisahan komponen/bahan aktif (Ekstraksi,Destilasi,Filtrasi, Separasi, dll) Kondensasi Pengeringan Evaporasi Cairan Bubuk Konsentrat Diagram alir proses produksi flavor


54 Aplikasi Produk Flavor pada Industri
Penggunaan produk industri flavor dalam produk-produk pangan dan non pangan relatif sedikit namun besar peranannya dalam menentukan kualitas hasil akhir produk Produk flavor pada dasarnya merupakan, bahan baku (intermediet) dan bukan produk akhir. Contoh : Es krim dengan aneka rasa, seperti rasa coklat, vanilla, strawberry dan lainnya.

55 Diagram alir proses produksi es krim

56 Bahan baku es krim ; susu, krim, dry milk, gula, emulsifier dan berbagai jenis flavor

57 Diagram Alir Proses Produksi Soft Drinks

58 Terima Kasih

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