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Diterbitkan olehFaza Adit Telah diubah "10 tahun yang lalu
1 Pertemuan 07 Definisi Label Kemasan dan Kemasan Matakuliah: UO276 / Desain Komunikasi Visual III Tahun: 2006
2 Learning Outcomes Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa akan mampu : Memberikan definisi label kemasan dan kemasan.
3 Outline Material Definisi Label Kemasan Definisi Kemasan Fungsi Label Kemasan Fungsi Kemasan
4 definisi Pack To put material or goods into a container for storage or transportation. Also, complete range of one product in a container.
5 definisi Package One unit or product, wrapped or sealed in a sheath or container. A container in which a product is packed.
6 definisi Primary package A container such as a can, bottle, or jar, which directly holds the product.
7 definisi Vacuum packaging Packaging from which almost all the air has been removed prior to the final sealing of the container. The pack - whether rigid or flexible - must be constructed from barrier materials that retain the vacuum. The process usually extends the expected life of the product by protecting it from gases or water vapour in the atmosphere.
8 definisi Flexible Packaging Packaging that uses flexible materials such as foils, films, paper or sheeting to form the container.
9 definisi Plastic Capable of being molded or modelled, as in thermoplastic. Plastics A group of materials of high molecular weight which, while solid in the finished state, can be made to flow by the application of temperature pressure
10 definisi Paper A general term referring to matted sheets of vegetable fiber. Synthetic papers from mineral, animal, or synthetic materials can now be manufactured quite cheaply.
11 summary Kemasan memiliki beragam definisi dan fungsi, walau beragam namun memiliki memiliki fungsi yang hampir seragam.
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