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Diterbitkan olehRikha Fahreza Telah diubah "10 tahun yang lalu
Basic Konstruksi,Artikulasi & kesimbangan 01 Pertemuan 03 Matakuliah : UO646 / DKV III Tahun : 2009
Bina Nusantara Inverse Kinematik (IK) & Forward Kinematik (FK) 3 Animation part 1
Bina Nusantara Hierarchies and Kinematics …….” The term kinematics describes the movement or animation of the chain. There are two types of kinematics:kinematics With forward kinematics (FK), you transform a parent object to move its descendants (its children, their children, etc.).forward kinematics With inverse kinematics (IK), you transform a child object to move its ancestors (its parent and so on up the chain). You can also use IK to make an object “stick” to the ground or another surface, while allowing the chain to rotate off the pivot of that object.inverse kinematics 4
Bina Nusantara The default method of manipulating a hierarchy uses a technique called “forward kinematics”. The basic principles employed by this technique are: Hierarchical linking from parent to child Placement of pivot points to define the connecting joint between linked objects Inheritance of position, rotation, and scale transforms from parent to child Forward KinematicsForward Kinematics (FK) 5
Bina Nusantara Forward KinematicsForward Kinematics (FK) 6
Bina Nusantara 7 Inverse KinematicsInverse Kinematics (IK) ……” Inverse kinematics (IK) is a positioning and animation method that is built on top of the concepts of hierarchical linking. To understand how IK works you must first understand the principles of hierarchical linking and forward kinematics. Inverse kinematics starts with linking and pivot placement as its foundation and then adds the following principles: Joints are constrained with specific positional and rotational properties. Position and orientation of parent objects is determined by the position and orientation of child objects.
Bina Nusantara 8 Inverse KinematicsInverse Kinematics (IK)
Bina Nusantara 9 Rigging System
Bina Nusantara 10 Find your “ best rig “ ever founded Explore the tools Trust your insting..” How to practice your animation with tools”
Bina Nusantara 11 Free Rigging character http://www.11secondclub.com/resources/
Bina Nusantara 12 Basic Controller Facial Rig
Bina Nusantara 13 ik / fk CONTROLLER Basic Controller
Bina Nusantara 14 Sample Free Rig good for body language Fast in viewport (low res) Ideal for lower body movement easy controling good for Facial Expretion Ideal for acting with Voice over
Bina Nusantara 15 Basic Walk Cycle Animation part 2
Bina Nusantara 16 Basic normal walk pattern “ Contact position “….. Suatu pose dimana telapak kaki menyentuh ground dan kaki terlihat lurus …..” Pose ini biasanya dijadikan sebagai acuan dasar character berjalan “ …..” Pose awal dan akhir memiliki kesamaan dasar agar terjadi pergerakan loop “
Bina Nusantara 17 Basic normal walk pattern “ Passing position “….. Suatu pose dimana terjadi aksi perpindahan kaki saat melangkah …..” Pose ini bisa memberikan perbedaan gesture character saat berjalan (ciri khas) “
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