Flexible Manufacturing System

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1 Flexible Manufacturing System
Definisi Fungsi Tujuan Aplikasi dalam Dunia Industri

2 Kasus Volvo Perhatikan struktur proses Volvo, membuat mobil pada palet yang dapat berpindah, lebih baik daripada lini perakitan Proses ini membangkitkan fleksibilitas Sistem Volvo juga memiliki lebih dari sekedar fleksibilitas, karena dioperasikan oleh operator yang multi-skills yang tidak terpaku pada satu lini mekanikal

3 Clark’s Amada FMS Adalah Automated Punching Cell,
Yang dapat membantu perusahaan ini melayani customer lebih efisien

4 The Automated Punching Cell meminimasi proses non-value-added
Contoh : material yang bergerak bebas di lantai produksi, sehingga dapat mengurangai “manufacturing window“

5 Fleksibilitasnya dapat mengikuti alur produksi pada beberapa komponen dengan biaya yang paling memungkinkan Pengurangan besar-besaran work-in-process inventory, dan membuat produksi JIT layak secara ekonomi

6 With an automatic material storage and retrieval unit controlling the delivery of material to the Automated Punching Cell, labor costs are reduced and output increases.


8 Peningkatan Flexibility Productivity Material Utilization
Product Quality Process Reliability

9 Penurunan Set-Up Time Work-In-Process Floor Space Requirements

10 In the summer of 1998, we faced a problem of falling behind on deliveries. We weren't getting parts started into production fast enough. Until that time, we had been running two of our CNC turret punch presses three shifts Monday through Friday. Rather than purchase additional equipment,

11 it was time to push the limits of our automated punching cell
it was time to push the limits of our automated punching cell. With the ability to nest multiple parts, we were able to program the cell to run unattended all weekend. With an on-call operator available to respond to any problems and to periodically reload material, we increased our output by 40% on that machine. Thanks to a team of punch operators who were committed to becoming more productive, we were able to solve the problem with no additional cost to us or our customers.

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