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Why math is so difficult?  The student’s mindset says that math is so difficult  Math used many equations  The questions are complicate  The lecturer.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Why math is so difficult?  The student’s mindset says that math is so difficult  Math used many equations  The questions are complicate  The lecturer."— Transcript presentasi:


2 Why math is so difficult?  The student’s mindset says that math is so difficult  Math used many equations  The questions are complicate  The lecturer is killer almuiz 20132

3 Why math is easy?  All student can have a book  All student can read a book  All student have time to study almuiz 20133

4 4

5 Contoh Soal  Gambarkan kurva permintaan untuk persamaan berikut: P = -2Q + 50  Kemudian tentukan nilai dari: P ketika Q = 9 Q ketika P = 10 almuiz 20135

6 Menggambar Persamaan Linear  Tujuan kita adalah … almuiz 20136

7 Gambar Awal almuiz 20137

8 Plot point.. almuiz 20138

9 9

10 Aturan perkalian almuiz 201310

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12 almuiz 201312

13 Aturan penjumlahan dan pengurangan dalam grafik almuiz 201313

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16 Apa itu persamaan linear? almuiz 201316

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21  Selesai… almuiz 201321

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