1 PERENCANAAN STRATEJIK Pertemuan 4 Matakuliah: J0134/ Manajemen Strategik Tahun: 2006.

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1 1 PERENCANAAN STRATEJIK Pertemuan 4 Matakuliah: J0134/ Manajemen Strategik Tahun: 2006

2 2 Pada dasarnya perencanaan stratejik adalah bagian dari proses formulasi strategi dalam manajemen stratejik Perencanaan stratejik penting terutama bagi analisis portofolio bisnis Manajemen Stratejik Vs Perencanaan Stratejik

3 3 In essence, the strategic plan is a company’s game plan.

4 4 Why Some Firms Do No Strategic Planning  Poor reward structures  Fire-fighting  Waste of time  Too expensive  Laziness  Content with success

5 5 Why Some Firms Do No Strategic Planning Fear of failure Overconfidence Prior bad experience Self-interest Fear of the unknown Suspicion

6 6 Various Job Titles: –Chief Executive Officer (CEO) –Chief Strategy Officer (CSO) –President –Owner –Board Chair –Executive Director

7 7 Prime Task of Strategic Management Peter Drucker: -- think through the overall mission of a business. Ask the key question: “What is our Business?”

8 8 Hirarki Strategi: –Level Korporasi –Level Unit Bisnis –Level Operasional/Fungsional

9 9 Operational Level Functional Level Division Level Corp Level A Large Company Hierarchy of Strategies

10 10 Operational Level Functional Level Company Level A Small Company

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