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Emotions, Stress, and Health
Introduction to Psychology James W. Kalat Chapter 12
The Nature of Emotion Measuring Emotions Emotion, Arousal, and Actions
Self Report Behavioral Observations Physiological Measures sympathetic nervous system and parasympapthetic nervous system Emotion, Arousal, and Actions The James-Lange Theory of Emotions SituationAppraisalActionsPerception of the Actions (persepsi terhadap perubahan fisiologis) Schachter and Singer’s Theory of Emotions intensitas arousal menentukan intensitas emosi (bagaimana merasakan situasi)
The Nature.. The Range of Emotions
Emosi dasar spt takut, marah, gembira, ekspresi emosi berkembang secara gradual Emosi dasar antar budaya relatif sama Dasar biologis emosi, ekspresi wajah Gestures and Facial Expressions komunikasi Emotions and Moral Decisions, dilema moral Decisions by People with Impaired Emotions Emotional Intelligence, the ability to perceive, imagine, and understand emotions and to use that information in making decisions
A Survey of Emotions Happiness, joy, and Positive Psychology
Sadness crying and depressive Fear and Anxiety how to measure? Anxiety, Arousal and Lie Detection Anger and Aggressive Behavior frustration-aggression hypothesis
Stress, Coping, and Health
Stres dapat disebabkan oleh perubahan dalam hidup seseorang Stres berkaitan dengan penilaian terhadap suatu kejadian. Primary appraisal Secondary appraisal Coping Trying to fix the problem (problem-based strategies) Trying to control emotions (emotion-based strategies)
Stress and Health Psychosomatic illness an illness that is influenced by someone’s experiences (stressful experiences) and by his or her reactions to those experiences Emosi berhubungan dengan fisiologis Macam-macam gangguan psikosomatis Social support meningkatkan kesehatan
Learning Task Identifikasi bermacam-macam emosi, penyebab dan ekspresinya Diskusikan mengenai kekuatan emosi sehingga dapat mempengaruhi kehidupan orang yang mengalaminya (positif atau negatif) Penyakit apa sajakah yang dipengaruhi faktor emosi
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