Exchange Rate Determination and Forecasting Pertemuan 10

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2 Exchange Rate Determination and Forecasting Pertemuan 10
Matakuliah : Keuangan Internasional Tahun : 2009 Exchange Rate Determination and Forecasting Pertemuan 10

3 Soal 1 Exercise (Question 6)
Does a large increase in the domestic money supply always lead to a depreciation of the currency ? Bina Nusantara University

4 Jawaban Soal 1 Most theories of the determination of exchange rates would predict that a large increase in the money supply would imply a depreciation of the currency, definitely in the long run, and especially as economists say when “everything else is equal.” However, it is possible that the change in the money supply is accompanied by an increase in real income that increases the demand for money and thus offsets the money supply’s effect on the exchange rate. Bina Nusantara University

5 Soal 2 Exercise (Problem 1)
Suppose the 1 year nominal interest rate in Zooropa is 9 %, and Zooropa’s expected inflation rate is 4 %. What is the real interest rate in Zooropa ? Bina Nusantara University

6 Jawaban Soal 2 The expected real interest rate is approximately 9% - 4% = 5%. The correct computation is: ( ) / ( ) – 1 = or 4.81%. Bina Nusantara University

7 Soal 3 Home Work Soal 3, merupakan tugas perorangan yaitu setiap mahasiswa diwajibkan untuk menjawab pertanyaan (Question dan Problem) yang ada disetiap akhir bagian masing-masing chapter. Tugas ini dikumpulkan sebelum perkuliahan pertemuan berikutnya dimulai. Mahasiswa menjawab Question 8, 15 dan Problem 3 yang ada di halaman Bina Nusantara University

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