Dr. Nur Aini Masruroh Deterministic mathematical modeling.

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1 Dr. Nur Aini Masruroh Deterministic mathematical modeling

2 Model building Not satisfactory Satisfactory StartPrior knowledge Design of experiment System System behavior System characterization Adequate model Validation Make changes Mathematical model Parameter estimation Mathematical formulation Model behavior Analysis Computational Analytical New knowledge Abstract/ mathematical Real/physical Interaction between real and abstract

3 Basic steps  Four basic steps in mathematical modeling:  System characterization  Mathematical model  Analysis  Validation

4 Classification of mathematical formulations  Static formulation  To model deterministic static system  Involve either algebraic equations or function optimization with one or more variables  There is one-to-one correspondence between variables of the formulation and variables of the system characterization.  Dynamic formulation  Involve dependent and independent variables  The formulation is a function of time Time is one of the characteristics of independent variable

5 Static formulation: algebraic equation  Typical form: G(x, y, θ)=0  If used to describe simulation model: G: function x: input variables y: output variables θ : parameters  Used in fitting curves or surface to a set of generated data points when the system is characterized as black box  Example: case study A (Murthy and Page, 1990)

6 Static formulation: Optimization model  Typical form: Maximize f(x,θ) x Subject to a set of constraints G(x, θ) ≥ 0  It can be linear/non-linear/integer programming  Example: case study C (Murthy and Page, 1990)

7 Dynamic formulation  Types of dynamic formulation:  1 independent variable Discrete independent variable (case 1) Continuous independent variable (case 2)  More than 1 independent variables Discrete independent variable (case 3) Continuous independent variable (case 4)

8 Case 1  Dependent variables are functions of 1 independent variable which takes on only discrete values  Suitable for modeling systems with discrete time characterization  General equation formulation: Z k+1 = g k (Z k, Z k-1,…,Z k-nk ; u k, u k-1,…u k-mk ; θ k ), -∞ < k < ∞, u is a known sequence, θ is parameters

9 Example Sebuah perusahaan furniture menerima kontrak selama 2 bulan untuk memproduksi kursi. Berdasarkan kontrak tersebut, pada akhir bulan pertama, perusahaan sanggup mengirim 80 buah kursi dan 120 kursi pada akhir bulan kedua. Setelah dihitung, perkiraan biaya yang dibutuhkan untuk memproduksi kursi tersebut dapat didekati dengan persamaan 50x + 0.2x 2 $/bulan dengan x adalah jumlah kursi yang diproduksi pada bulan tersebut. Apabila terdapat kelebihan jumlah kursi yang diproduksi, akan timbul biaya penyimpanan sebesar $8/kursi/bulan. Kapasitas produksi perusahaan tersebut memungkinkan untuk memproduksi 200 kursi per bulan. Karena kursi pesanan tersebut spesifik, maka perusahaan tidak mempunyai stok awal (no initial inventory) dan tidak ingin ada sisa produksi pada akhir bulan kedua. Misalkan x 1 adalah jumlah kursi yang diproduksi di bulan 1 dan x 2 adalah jumlah kursi yang diproduksi di bulan 2, buatlah model matematika (NLP with constraints) untuk kasus diatas!

10 Case 2  Dependent variables are continuous functions of the independent variable (t) which takes on a continuous range of values  It can be  Ordinary differential equation Simple form:  Integral equation Example:  Differential difference equation Example: dy/dt = - y 2 (t-h/2)

11 Case 3  Similar to case 1 except there are two or more independent variables  The dependence variables can be viewed as sequences with two or more indices, i.e. N tl, N tlj, etc

12 Case 4  Dependent variables are continuous functions of two or more independent variables which take on a continuous range of values  Example: dependent variables: u(t,x), v(t,x,y), w(t,x,y,z), etc  Formulations are given by equation involving the dependent variables and the partial derivative of the dependent variables with respect to the independent variables

13 Tugas 1  Jika jaringan logistik (mulai dari supplier sampai ke konsumen) dalam sebuah supply chain management dianggap sebagai sebuah system, deskripsikan selengkap mungkin karakter dari system tersebut. Ambillah sebuah contoh kasus yang ada dalam SCM, rumuskan masalahnya, dan buatlah model sederhananya dengan menjelaskan asumsi-asumsi yang anda gunakan. Tentukan pula apa yang menjadi variabel dan parameter (jika ada) yang anda gunakan.

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