Young entrepreneur Woman entrepreneur Minority entrepreneur Migrant entrepreneur Part-timer entrepreneur Home-based entrepreneur.

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2 Young entrepreneur Woman entrepreneur Minority entrepreneur Migrant entrepreneur Part-timer entrepreneur Home-based entrepreneur

3 Family business Co-preneur Corporate cast off entrepreneur Corporate drop off entrepreneur

4 Politik- ekonomi Budaya

5 * Tingkat stabilitas politik * Tingkat stabilitas ekonomi * Tingkat pengangguran * Struktur industri (pertanian, industri atau jasa )

6 Entrepreneurial- Resistant Culture Entrepreneurial- friendly culture The culture that place higher values on conformity and homogeneity or that tend to be overwhelmed by their deficits and problems can be viewed as entrepreneurial tolerant or resistant. The culture that values independence, innovation, diversity, and wealth creation

7  Innovation and creativity is highly valued in this country  In this country, it is hard for people like me to start their own business  People who start their own business are highly valued in this country  In this country, people with good ideas can usually put them into practice

8  Have you ever had a new idea for starting your own business?  Have you ever had a new idea for improving the lives of people in your community?





13 Entrepreneuri al-resistant culture Undeveloped/ transition economy No supporting system Compre. support system Mature economy countries Entrepreneurial -friendly culture

14 Sharing and learning Learning Community Capacity to product desired product

15 Supporting System * Macro Policy : bag. Kebijakan makro ekonomi utk mendorong jiwa kewirausahaan. Mis; insentif utk berwirausahaa, debirokrasi ijin usaha, pendirian inkubator bisnis * Micro Policy Hard Support : dukungan yang bersifat “tangible”; modal, mesin, infrastuktur Soft Support : dukungan yang bersifat “Intangible : Pelatihan, promosi, dan pendampingan

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