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Animal Welfare, Ethics in Animal Use & Animal Rights Aida L T Rompis.

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1 Animal Welfare, Ethics in Animal Use & Animal Rights Aida L T Rompis

2 Background of Animal Welfare Keberhasilan manusia domestikasi hewan liar seperti: kuda, sapi, domba, kambing, kucing, anjing, burung, dll. Keberhasilan manusia domestikasi hewan liar seperti: kuda, sapi, domba, kambing, kucing, anjing, burung, dll. Masyarakat di Lembah Indus percaya bahwa mereka akan menjelma menjadi hewan setelah mati, karenanya hewan hidup harus dihargai dan diperlakukan dgn baik sebagaimana mereka memperlakukan sesama manusia Masyarakat di Lembah Indus percaya bahwa mereka akan menjelma menjadi hewan setelah mati, karenanya hewan hidup harus dihargai dan diperlakukan dgn baik sebagaimana mereka memperlakukan sesama manusia Nabi Ibrahim memerintahkan pengikutnya untuk mentaati peraturan pemotongan hewan berdasarkan pertimbangan agar hewan mati segera dan darah harus ke luar untuk memastikan faktor higienis pemotongan dan konsumsi daging hewan (dilarang mengkonsumsi darah karena darah mengandung banyak sumber penyakit Nabi Ibrahim memerintahkan pengikutnya untuk mentaati peraturan pemotongan hewan berdasarkan pertimbangan agar hewan mati segera dan darah harus ke luar untuk memastikan faktor higienis pemotongan dan konsumsi daging hewan (dilarang mengkonsumsi darah karena darah mengandung banyak sumber penyakit

3 INVERTEBRATAVERTEBRATA Earth- worms Insects Cepha- lopods FishReptilesBirdsMammals Nociceptorspresent ?-? - / ? ++ Central Nervous System --+++++ Nociceptors connected to central nervous system --+++++ Endogenous opiods present ++?++++ Responses modified by analgesics ?????++ Response to damaging Stimuli analogous to human --+++++ The philosophy behind animal welfare & ethics ………….”pain”

4 THE FIVE FREEDOMS OF ANIMAL WELFARE Freedom from thirst, hunger and malnutrition Freedom from thirst, hunger and malnutrition Freedom from discomfort due to environment Freedom from discomfort due to environment Freedom from pain, injury and disease Freedom from pain, injury and disease Freedom from fear and distress Freedom from fear and distress Freedom to express its normal behaviour Freedom to express its normal behaviour

5 Indicators for assessing welfare: Injuries, health status, nutritional status, signs of thermal stress (shivering, sweating, panting) Injuries, health status, nutritional status, signs of thermal stress (shivering, sweating, panting) Physiological signs of stress (heart rate, level of stress hormone, immune system Physiological signs of stress (heart rate, level of stress hormone, immune system Changes in normal behavioural Changes in normal behavioural

6 Animal Welfare Organizations Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA), 1824, Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA, 1840) Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA), 1824, Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA, 1840) Cruelty to Animals Act of 1876 (England) Cruelty to Animals Act of 1876 (England) ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (1866) ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (1866) Laboratory Animal Welfare Act (USA, 1966) Laboratory Animal Welfare Act (USA, 1966) Guide for Laboratory Animal Facilities and Care (1963, 1965, 1968, 1972, 1978) Guide for Laboratory Animal Facilities and Care (1963, 1965, 1968, 1972, 1978) Animal Welfare Act (USA, 1976) (cattle, goats, sheep, not chickens) Animal Welfare Act (USA, 1976) (cattle, goats, sheep, not chickens) The Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (1996), translated to Indonesian (2002) The Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (1996), translated to Indonesian (2002)

7 Ethics in Animal Use The ethical use of animals for scientific purposes and teaching The ethical use of animals for scientific purposes and teaching All uses of animals in research and teaching have to be assesses and approved by a committee (ACUC) All uses of animals in research and teaching have to be assesses and approved by a committee (ACUC) All uses of animals are subject to the basic philosophies of animal ethics, the 3Rs (Replacement, Reduction, Refinement) All uses of animals are subject to the basic philosophies of animal ethics, the 3Rs (Replacement, Reduction, Refinement)

8 Animal Rights Ethical code of minority groups opposed to any use of animals (in research, teaching, consumption) Ethical code of minority groups opposed to any use of animals (in research, teaching, consumption) Consists of reasonable to very active, vocal, violent groups Consists of reasonable to very active, vocal, violent groups Animal right have had influence towards improvement of animal welfare Animal right have had influence towards improvement of animal welfare

9 Abolish all use of animlas/exploitation of animals (Tom Regan) Abolish all use of animlas/exploitation of animals (Tom Regan) Reject all discrimination based on spesies, race, sex (Peter Singer) Reject all discrimination based on spesies, race, sex (Peter Singer) Protest against organizations which continuous to support fox hunting, wild bird shooting, wild rabbit hunting Protest against organizations which continuous to support fox hunting, wild bird shooting, wild rabbit hunting Cruelty to animals in the modern world (factory farming, laboratory animals) Cruelty to animals in the modern world (factory farming, laboratory animals)

10 Animal welfare is about how animals cope with the situation they are in (Five freedom of animal welfare) Animal welfare is about how animals cope with the situation they are in (Five freedom of animal welfare) Animal Ethics are rules and principles governing humane treatment of animals (The 3R) Animal Ethics are rules and principles governing humane treatment of animals (The 3R) Animal Rights are set of belief of minority groups about how and why humans should/should not use animals for their own benefit Animal Rights are set of belief of minority groups about how and why humans should/should not use animals for their own benefit Welfare and Ethics are intimately linked, whereas animal rights are opposed and different from welfare and ethics Welfare and Ethics are intimately linked, whereas animal rights are opposed and different from welfare and ethics However, the animal rights movement has major contribution to the improvement in animal welfare However, the animal rights movement has major contribution to the improvement in animal welfare

11 All living organisms are created by God All living organisms are created by God Man has the highest intelligence of all organisms Man has the highest intelligence of all organisms Man is the keeper and responsible for all that lives on earth Man is the keeper and responsible for all that lives on earth So all living beings (all God’s creature) should be treated with respect So all living beings (all God’s creature) should be treated with respect

12 “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be measured by the way its animal are treated” Mahatma Gandhi

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