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Pengantar TI 2015/2016 1
Materi Motivasi SI Definisi Sistem Informasi (SI) SI dalam Organisasi Tipe SI Contoh SI 2
Motivasi SI Mengapa belajar sistem informasi dan teknologi informasi ? Komponen penting dari bisnis yang sukses Membantu bisnis berkembang dan bersaing Meningkatkan efisiensi dan efektivitas proses bisnis Memfasilitasi pengambilan keputusan manajerial dan kolaborasi workgroup 3
4 What is a System? A system is… A set of interrelated components With a clearly defined boundary Working together To achieve a common set of objectives By accepting inputs and producing outputs In an organized transformation process
Definisi Sistem Informasi Sistem Informasi adalah bagian dari Organisasi (Laudon & Laudon, 1995). Dari perspektif bisnis, sistem informasi dapat didefinisikan sebagai teknologi informasi yang berorientasi solusi untuk tantangan organisasi dan manajemen. Interaksi antara unit organisasi TI dan unit lainnya merupakan penentu utama dari keberhasilan organisasi (Gordon & Gordon, 2000). 5
Definisi Sistem Informasi secara teknis: serangkaian komponen yang saling terkait untuk mengumpulkan (mencari), memproses, menyimpan dan mendistribusikan informasi untuk mendukung pengambilan keputusan dan kontrol dalam organisasi. 6
What is Information System? An organized combination of… People Hardware and software Communication networks Data resources Policies and procedures This system… Stores, retrieves, transforms, and disseminates information in an organization 7
Oportunity SI Kegiatan Bisnis Semakin meningkat dan Rumit Globalisasi Ekonomi. Persaingan Dunia. Kebutuhan teknologi yang Andal. Batas waktu semakin singkat. Kendala-kendala sosial. Tuntutan Pelayanan Praktis dan cepat saji. Kemampuan Komputer Semakin Baik Kecepatan. Kapasitas. Repetitif. Input yang pasti. Output yang akurat. Keamanan proses dan dokumentasi. 8
Keuntungan SI Dapat meningkatkan keuntungan perusahaan Mengurangi biaya bisnis Meningkatkan pangsa pasar Perbaikan relasi pelanggan atau pelayanan pelanggan Meningkatkan efisiensi Dapat memperbaiki dalam pengambilan keputusan Pemenuhan peraturan lebih baik dan teratur Kesalahan lebih sedikit Perbaikan keamanan, dan Kapasitas lebih banyak atau besar. 9
10 Trends in Information Systems
SI dalam organisasi 11
Strategi Bisnis Aturan Proses Software Telekomu- nikasi Database Hardware Sistem Informasi Ketergantungan Organisasi Gambar 1. Ketergantungan antara Organisasi dan SI 12
SI pada Level Organisasi Level Operasional Aktivitas dasar & transaksi rutin Akurasi dan keterkinian data Level Pengetahuan (Knowledge) Mendukung pengetahuan & data pekerjaan Mengintegrasikan pengetahuan baru kedalam bisnis Otomasi perkantoran 13
SI pada Level Organisasi Level Manajemen Pengawasan secara periodik Pengambilan keputusan & administrasi Level Strategis Perencanaan strategis jangka panjang Informasi internal & eksternal 14
Tipe SI Operations Support Systems Efisien memproses transaksi bisnis Mengontrol proses industri Dukungan komunikasi dan kolaborasi Memperbarui database perusahaan Management Support Systems Memberikan informasi sebagai report Dukungan manajer untuk pengambilan keputusan 15
16 Purposes of Information Systems
17 Operations Support Systems What do they do? Efficiently process business transactions Control industrial processes Support communications and collaboration Update corporate databases
18 Types of OSS Transaction Processing Systems Record and process business transactions Example: sales processing, inventory systems, accounting systems Process Control Systems Monitor and control physical processes Example: using sensors to monitor chemical processes in a petroleum refinery Enterprise Collaboration Systems Enhance team and workgroup communication Example: email, video conferencing
19 Two Ways to Process Transactions Batch Processing Accumulate transactions over time and process periodically Example: a bank processes all checks received in a batch at night Online Processing Process transactions immediately Example: a bank processes an ATM withdrawal immediately
20 Management Support Systems What do they do? Provide information and support for effective decision making by managers Management information systems Decision support systems Executive information systems
21 Types of Management Support Systems Management Information Systems (MIS) Reports and displays Example: daily sales analysis reports Decision Support Systems (DSS) Interactive and ad hoc support Example: a what-if analysis to determine where to spend advertising dollars Executive Information Systems (EIS) Critical information for executives and managers Example: easy access to actions of competitors
22 Other Information Systems Expert Systems - provide expert advice Example: credit application advisor Knowledge Management Systems - support creation, organization, and dissemination of business knowledge throughout company Example: intranet access to best business practices Strategic Information Systems - help get a strategic advantage over customer Example: shipment tracking, e-commerce Web systems Functional Business Systems - focus on operational and managerial applications of basic business functions Example: accounting, finance, or marketing
23 Components of an IS
24 Information System Resources People Resources Specialists End users Hardware Resources Machines Media Software Resources Programs Procedures Data Resources Product descriptions, customer records, employee files, inventory databases Network Resources Communications media, communications processors, network access and control software Information Resources Management reports and business documents using text and graphics displays, audio responses, and paper forms
Role of Information Technology Business Facts Data Information Knowledge Intelligence + procedure + context + experience + wisdom INTELLIGENT MANAGER EXECUTIVES LINE MANAGER SUPERVISOR STAFF 1. Help Creating the Intelligence 2. Help Empowering the People 25
ITs that Build Information System Hardware Software Databases Networks Other related components INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES INFORMATION SYSTEMS Customer Service System Marketing System Inventory System Payroll System 26
27 IS Activities Input of data resources Data entry activities Processing of data into information Calculations, comparisons, sorting, and so on Output of information products Messages, reports, forms, graphic images Storage of data resources Data elements and databases Control of system performance Monitoring and evaluating feedback
28 Measuring IT Success Efficiency Minimize cost, time, and use of information resources Effectiveness Support business strategies Enable business processes Enhance organizational structure and culture Increase customer and business value
29 Developing IS Solutions
30 IT Careers
Thanks 31
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