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{ Ethics Training. Formal Non Formal E-training (Computer Based) Off-the-Job On-the-Job Training Methods.

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Presentasi berjudul: "{ Ethics Training. Formal Non Formal E-training (Computer Based) Off-the-Job On-the-Job Training Methods."— Transcript presentasi:

1 { Ethics Training

2 Formal Non Formal E-training (Computer Based) Off-the-Job On-the-Job Training Methods


4 Individualzed Training and Learning Styles

5 Factors:  Training method used  Individual motivation  Trainee personality:  Internal locus of control  High conscientiousness  High cognitive ability  High self-efficacy learn best  Training climate:  Ability to apply the learning to the job Evaluating Training Effectiveness

6 Performance evaluation Purposes : Human resource decisions Identify training and development needs Pin-point employee skills and competencies Provide feedback to employees Basis for reward allocations

7  Individual Task Outcomes  Behaviors  Traits What do We Evaluate ?

8 Who should do the evaluating?

9   A positive impact on employee performance   Empowerment of your employee base   Provide organizational analysis of your leadership capabilities   Enable you to develop a strategic training & development plan for your leadership competencies   Improved teamwork and communication   Reinforce your organizational values and desired culture   Better alignment of individual and organizational goals Enable the organization to achieve :

10  Written essay  Critical incidents  Graphic rating scale  Punctuality  Forced comparison  Group order ranking  Individual ranking Methods of performance evaluation

11  Use multiple evaluators to overcome rater biases  Evaluate selectively based on evaluator competence  Train evaluators to improve rater accuracy  Provide employees with due process Suggestion for improving evaluation

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