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Organizational Development
Managing Change SACRED COW HUNTS – praktek untuk mengurangi praktek-praktek yang ridak bermanfaat. The paper cow The meeting cow The speed cow Strategi lain : Ask stupid questions Don’t get too comfy – keep innovating Make your own rules Don’t punish – but give rewards Dalam organisasi perubahan perubahan terjadi karena banyak alesan dan mengambil banyak bentuk. Beberapa perubahan terjadi karena usaha perkembangan org seperti downsizing, reorganization, atau perkenalan kelompok org. beberapa perubahan dalah hasil dari mandat eksternal seperti regulasi pemerintah. Dan perubahan lainnya terjadi karena kepemimpinan baru atau personell baru.
Managing Change 3 phases unfreezing moving refreezing * Steps
Stage 1 Denial Stage 2 Defense Stage 3 Discarding Stage 4 Adaptation Stage 5 Internalization
Managing Change IMPORTANT FACTORS (in eployee acceptance)
The type of change The reason behind the change The person making the change The person being changed Change agents “if it aint broke, break it” Change analyst “if it aint broke, leave it, if its broke, fix it” Receptive changers “if broke, I’ll help fix it” Reluctant changers “ are you sure its broken?” Change resitors “ it may be broken, but its still better than the unkown”
Managing Change IMPLEMENTING CHANGE Creating an Atmosphere for change
“good old days” vs “bad old days” Communicationg Details Communicating change is hard work Training is needed Two-way comm is essential Honesty is the best policy Time Frame Training Needs
Managing Change ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE Changing Culture
Assessing the New Culture Step 1 needs assessment Step 2 Determining executive directions Step 3 Implementation Considerations Step 4 Training Step 5 Evaluation of the new culture Creating Dissatisfaction with existing culture Maintaining the New Culture Selection of Employees Organizational socialization Ritual symbol
Empowerment Making the Decision to Empower Levels of Employee Input
Empowerment Charts Consequences of Empowerment
Making the Decision to Empower
Factors in Making Decision to Empower Importance of Decision Quality Leader Knowledge of the Problem Area Structure of the Problem Importance of Decision Acceptance Probability of Decision Acceptance Subordinate Trust and Motivation Probability of Subordinate Conflict Decision-Making Strategies Using the Vroom-Yetton Model Autocratic I Strategy Autocratic II Strategy Consultative I Strategy Consultative II Strategy Group I Strategy
Levels of Employee Input
Following Ownership of Own Product Advisory Shared/Participative/Team Absolute
Empowerment Charts
Consequences of Empowerment
Personal Increased job satisfaction for most Stress Decreased stress due to greater control Increased stress due to greater responsibility Financial Bonuses Pay Increase Career Increased job security Promotions Increased marketability Increased chance of being terminated
Downsizing Reducing the Impact of Downsizing Effects of Downsizing
Reducing the Impact of Downsizing
Sign of Problems Temporary employees Outsourcing Selecting the Employees to Be Laid Off The Announcement Outplacement Programs
Effects of Downsizing Victims Survivors Local Community
To reduce the effects of downsizing, Beyer and colleagues have this advice for layoff victims: Immediately tell families Evaluate the reasons for the job loss Plan a new course of action and go forward with confidence Survivors Local Community The Organization
Untuk meningkatkan kepuasan employee, motivasi, and performa Untuk mengurangi absensi Fokus kepada penerapan jam kerja
WORK SCHEDULES Compressed workweeks Moonlighting
Employee mempunyai kecendrungan untuk menekan/meng- crompress jam kerjanya lebih banyak dengan mengurangi hari kerja dari biasanya. Moonlighting Employee mempunyai pekerjaan yang lebih dari 1 job. Penyebab : membutuhkan biaya yang lebih banyak.
WORK SCHEDULES Flexible Work Hours Peak-time Pay
Karyawan diberikan kontrol yang memungkinkan untuk memilih jam untuk bekerja. bandwith : total jam kerja setiap harinya core hours : employee wajib kerja pada jam-jam kerja yang padat Peak-time Pay Karyawan paruh waktu akan dibayar lebih tinggi dibandingkan karyawan yang full time karena mereka bekerja di jam-jam yang padat
WORK SCHEDULES Job Sharing Work at Home
Adanya pembagian jadwal kerja (shift) pada 2 karyawan dengan pembgian waktu kerja. Work at Home Employee bekerja di rumah untuk menyelesaikan tugasnya daripada di kantor telecommuting.
Pergantian jam kerja pada pegawai, baik siang ataupun malam. Adanya shift work disebabkan karena ketidakcocokkan jadwal pegawai dengan jadwal orang lain. Dampak negatif : gangguan tidur, gangguan pekerjaan, dll.
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