1 Pertemuan 03 Konsep Perencanaan Tag, Tag Price, Label, Casing Display Matakuliah: UO276 / Desain Komunikasi Visual III Tahun: 2006.

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1 1 Pertemuan 03 Konsep Perencanaan Tag, Tag Price, Label, Casing Display Matakuliah: UO276 / Desain Komunikasi Visual III Tahun: 2006

2 2 Learning Outcomes Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa akan mampu :  Menjelaskan konsep perencanaan pembuatan tag, tag price, label, casing display.

3 3 Outline Material Metoda yang digunakan dalam menyusun konsep perencanaan tag, tag price, label, casing display.. Metoda pembanding yang digunakan dalam menyusun konsep perencanaan tag, tag price, label, casing display. Cara mengaplikasikan metoda yang diajarkan ke dalam konsep perencanaan.

4 4 metoda perencanaan metoda sederhana

5 5 metoda perencanaan metoda detail

6 6 label design today As with the packaging itself, packaging labels now fulfil a more complex function. They are used to :  project an appropriante  clarify the identities of product and producer  evoke a particular character or mood  inform the customer about the product and how to use it

7 7 material and methods Apllied labelling includes the following methods:  Plain paper and wet gluing  Pressure sensitive labelling [otherwise known as self adhesive]  Gummed labbeling [usually paper]  Heat-seal labelling [delayed or instaneous]  In-mould labelling  Shrink sleeving

8 8 material and methods Direct labelling covers processes such as:  Colour printing  Embossing  Enamlling

9 9 new trends in labelling In-mould labelling Perhaps the most exciting new labelling technique of recent years is in-mould labelling or IML. Developed originally in the USA, IML machines use robot hands to place a paper label inside a container mold just before the pre-formed plastics containers are inserted into and blown to fill the mold.

10 10 new trends in labelling Leatflet Labels Another important trend in labelling is epitomized by the leatflet-type of label known as Fix a Form a Deny. These are often used where there is a legal requirement to supply more data than can reasonably be included on a standard label, with agricultural or horticultural products for example, where the product must be prepared or used only in specific ways. Some pharmaceutical products also use these kinds of label.

11 11 summary Banyak metoda yang dapat diterapkan dalam perencanaan desain tag, tag price, label, casing display, namun pada dasarnya memiliki pola yang mendasar. Metoda dasar tetap dapat digunakan pada materi desain terbaru sekalipun, tinggal melakukan penyesuaian di sana-sini.

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